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liz (profile) wrote,
on 5-22-2012 at 7:04pm
I remember the day he became my friend. For years I would see him at parties and he would call me Justin's sister. That night at the Sparta Beer Tent he spilled his beer down the front of my shirt and I said Bitch if you're going to spill your beer on me you'd best learn my name. Years of random hanging out and bdubs trips. Then I left Andy Clute and he became a person who I could call to cry to. A friend whom I could depend on for anything. A random Stony cruise (with me driving because he always scared the shit out of me behind the wheel). The only person who I would allow to fuck with my radio knowing that he would inevitabley turn to my across the universe soundtrack because it was the only thing we agreed on. I will miss you Andy. If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You will always be my favorite Andy.
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05-22-12 7:35pm

Now I'm gonna smoke a fat one and think about my friend and cry because I don't know what else to do.

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05-23-12 12:33am

He never goa to see across the universe. He was going to borrow it last time he was over but I forgot.
man this is so fucked up...

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Re: , 05-23-12 4:51am

Yeah I have two copies and I always meant to give him one.

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