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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2002 at 2:55pm
Current mood: sleepy
Music: Subhumans-No more gigs
i left school early and ended up going out to lunch w/my dad and some of his friends. Fun. Anyways. Yearbooks. Fun i suppose.. for about a day... i'm soo sick of signing yearbooks... i made a whole collage in Izzy's last night and it took me FOREVER! Grr.. tonight i'v gota do Kevys. Damn senior friends leaving me lol :0) No.. i'll seriously miss my 2 best senior buds moer then anything in the world :0( Kevs goin all the way to Cleveland! Today was uneventful. Sara made me a very pretty bracelet and i'm the idiot that lost it :0( I have no idea what happened to it at lunch :0( grrrrrrrr i'm guna go cry. (very emo of me) haha <- that was Sara's comment :0)
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ha!, 05-17-02 4:28pm

somebody missed at pulse racing game of risk!

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Re: ha!, 05-17-02 4:35pm

Whoa, you guys are playin' risk too? With AP's done, that's all my people and I are doing...I've games going in three of them, hehe. I don't know why world domination is so fascinating to me...

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05-17-02 10:45pm

ha. risk geeks :0) I went 2 the Keys w/some friends 4 Spring Break & we started a game of risk in our tent but then Caroline decided that she didn't wana play anymore so yeah. That kinda killed it.

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05-18-02 11:09am

you didnt lose your bracelet.i put it in the front pocket of your bag. i will show you where it is Monday if you dont find it before then.

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05-17-02 10:45pm

ha. risk geeks :0) I went 2 the Keys w/some friends 4 Spring Break & we started a game of risk in our tent but then Caroline decided that she didn't wana play anymore so yeah. That kinda killed it.

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only9days, 05-18-02 1:47pm

grrr! i hope you did not lose my bracelet. emo emo emo.

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Re: only9days, 05-19-02 2:00am

Sarrrrr!!! Josh made me muchoness happy! He put the bracelet in my bag! AND

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05-19-02 2:00am


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05-19-02 2:01am

okay this is getting ridiculous... i keep on screwing up the thing.. anyways.. i'm muchohapiness that he found it. I just got back from Band Banquet.. Whitney and i are Sergeants!!! yay for us!!! yayayayayayayayay!!

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