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Atman (profile) wrote,
on 5-25-2002 at 1:48pm
Current mood: sympathetic
Music: Rollin
Subject: Sigh...So bored
I'm so bored today. Plus I'm pissed. My mom and dad are mad because I'm not running RIGHT now. Oh well. I'm waiting in the woohu chat room, but I think I'll abort and go play yahoo pool, against my parents liking. I keep using Nates username because I don't want to make my own. We often hang out and type stuff together. But it sucks because all he wants to do is piss people off by swearing at them and I want to talk to them. Its so sad. I promised I'd run right now but I think I'll wait until some night next week. Ok, I'm going to create another entry that I've been trying to type since last night, but woohu won't let me.
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grr..., 05-27-02 11:49pm

get AIM or something so that we can chat outside the chat room... just a thought.

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