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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 5-27-2002 at 1:56pm
Music: Thursday - This sadness alone / Dashboard Confessional- A plain morning/ The Juliana Theory - I blew
Subject: ...
Feeling very emo right now as Sara would put it... I know what I did was for the best and it was the right thing yet it just feels all soo wrong. I have hurt him more then I have ever wanted to. All I ever wanted to do was help him.. now i feel as if I never did and I have only left more hurt, more bad memories. Maybe I was wrong to try... when will I start looking out for myself and not everyone else... sadly I always have to learn the hard way.

Geez... if thats not enough to comprehend, I'v got soo much school shit to do... Stupid research paper due tomorrow which I have yet to start... lets see... studying.. stupid finals grrrr... I need a book but the stupid library is closed. Joy.

Currently talking to Cary about all kinds of music. Fun. Cary told me a funny story bout how he got a detention once. You ought to ask him sometime. It's cute. AAA is a good band. You know, the last CD I'v bought is Lagwagon proly 3 yrs ago. I think i'm going to go and procrastinate some more. Call me if you need me. If you don't know my # i proly didn't wana talk 2 u either.

..and sadly, there is no smile today...
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:\, 05-28-02 3:44pm

Aw. Im sorry. I dont know whats going on but I'll I can say is, whatever it is dont let it bring you down. Things happen, usually for a reason. You move on, as long as your sure you dont regret anything. But dont be sad. Smile, its best for everyone. :D . <3 ya - Ashes

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Re: :\, 05-28-02 3:54pm

Thanks Ash... i think more then anything people need to mind their own businesses <- is that a word?!? grr.. i mean not you but everyone whos talking all this shit about me and josh and jason and matt and everything. It's really frustrating when noone knows that story yet they tell it like they do. :0( ::tear::

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