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plainmornings (profile) wrote, on 5-28-2002 at 3:58pm | |
Everyone needs to leave me the fuck alone. Yes, Josh and I broke up. Get over it. People don't stay together forever. Stop saying shit behind my back, I'll eventually hear it anyways. Stop starting stupid rumors and shit its getting old. Leave me the hell alone. | |
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spud | 05-28-02 4:50pm well. i don't care about you and josh. hey! does this mean you're available?
plainmornings | Re:, 05-28-02 4:59pm heh. you crack me up kiddo ;0) <-- first smile of the day... much appreciated... |
spud | Re: Re:, 05-28-02 8:16pm oh. you think i was joking, do you? well, you're right. not that it's not a tempting concept, but i can't maintain a relationship from a block away. that, and i haven't met you. ooh. i meant to email you about something. |
plainmornings | Re: Re: Re:, 05-28-02 8:35pm aww darn hehe o well... email me about what? |