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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 1-29-2002 at 9:47pm
Current mood: sleepy
Subject: hhhmmm...
i have much to say.. but no time to say it.... mike won't make up his mind about what to do on thursday .. i think i may have to choose for him...
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01-30-02 2:03pm

You know what Dani...
You need to start taking responsability for all your actions. I mean if we really mean that little to you that you'd make US work around YOUR schedule then instead of taking out what little time it would take to solve this, then maybe it's not worth solving at all and we should continue this. Let's at least be mature about it.
You need to realize that not everyone is going to drop at your feet happy to see & serve you. I think that if you were that self-centered and inconsiderate as to say (sarcastically)
"thanks for calling me last night", which, i might add, jessi and i did and you were not home. I was sick, it was seriously IMPOSSIBLE for me to talk when i lost my voice later.That is why i stayed home today, just so you don't think i was lying about not calling you.
You see, that is why we're different! I don't run away from my problems, nor am i shallow, and i certainly have the guts to tell you what i think!!!!
Rather than just be immature about the whole situation. i wrote this all in a reply to make sure you read it.
Now, all i have to say is this:

"What a friend you are not now, and what friends you have lost now."

Is that too shallow for you????

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Re:, 01-30-02 6:44pm

I wasn't going to respond to this. Because responding and saying what I'm going to say would make me a hypocrite. But sometimes that's what needs to be done.

Some of your points are correct, and I'm not going to attack so much of what you said.

You tell her that you're dealing with it all maturely. Well, sure, but if that were true you wouldn't have thrown a bunch of what you said in there. Most of it's there just to try to pick yet another pointless fight. If you guys are going to hate each other just get over it and shut up. If you're not going to hate each other, deal with it and move on. I tell you what right here, friends don't act this way.

Sometimes being mature is just shutting up and letting a friend go. Unless you actually want to help them. Then you should do just that, help them. Not all of this.

Figure it out.

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Re: Re:, 01-30-02 9:49pm kid.

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-31-02 9:31am

Yes, everything you all have said is true. And i want to be mature about it, don't get me wrong, but i really DON'T WANT to lose dani. we were really good friends for a while there. I think it's stupid that we're fighting, there, i said it again. It's true, dani. I don't even know what we're fighting about. really. I want to be friends again so bad, and i know friends have fights sometimes, but i hope we can settle this and just be a group again, you know???
i do want to be friends with you but if you don't just tell me, okay?
bye, and please reply.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-31-02 2:26pm

children children.. freshmen will be freshmen..

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 02-01-02 9:52pm

uh, last time I checked, you were/are a freshman.

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what a controversy, 02-01-02 11:54pm

maybe i should consider adding a 'do not allow anymore replies' option, eh? :)

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Re: what a controversy, 02-09-02 10:52pm makes me look important :)

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