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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2003 at 4:10pm
Current mood: frustrated
Music: none
Subject: I can feel the wind blowing on my toes...

I've been looking at things from a different prospective lately and I'm not liking what I see within people. Some people have surprised, dissapointed, and amused me in ways I've never thought. I have been spending about a month having no feeling. I usually feel semi-depressed and self concious, but lately...I just feel..well numb/ mixed emotions but nothing bad.

Its not self empowerment at all. That would be a good thing. Its just temporary loss of feeling. Feeling in my heart...feeling in my soul...feeling in what I believe...and what I want to believe. I have seen peoples true colors lately and I dont think i'm begining to like some of them...I try to convince myself that maybe its just the way I'm interpreting things but I know its not like that at all.

Everyone says people change but I never thought it would be like that...happen like it does. I didnt see my self months ago bonding more with the people I do now although I was wishing to. I didnt think I'd meet new friends months ago..but I have. Things change...lifestyles change...people change. Its all proven me wrong. But I like how things are running along its path.

I met Dannie a couple months ago. Shes cool. Shes everything I look for in a best friend. I can see her and I teaming up for the good of evil next year. I hope we hang out more soon. I need more friends like her...She makes me laugh and we have similar personalities and humor. Its good to have someone who understands you and what your saying and how you think. Its crazy.

On that note.... I love theresa.

I quit I'm done complaining for the day.

Florida Awaits For Me Tomorrow. I love you Florida. . . . .. . .. . . . ....
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04-04-03 10:56am

I love you too, Amay. And I hope you have fun in Florida. My brother is there, also. Maybe you two will hook up and then get married and you can be my sister-in-law.


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Re:, 04-12-03 9:46pm

THAT would be too perfect....too perfect that it just might happen!!!

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