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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2003 at 8:29am
Current mood: gloomy
Music: Evanescence-Eternity
Subject: I got a journal, woo hoo
I got my journal to day, thanx to roxanne. YaY. i am not happy, for sum reason. Schylar is bein taken away:(. I dont kare if she currently hates me, i still feel sad for her. I kalled bailey. She dint answer. I am almost glad. I wanna be her friend, but she was such a fuckin bitch. She ruined like all MY friends' lives. I hate her. Even if we DO becum frinds again, i wood never forgive her for bein such a little whore ass bitch. Anywayz, im just sad and kant be happy.
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what's going on with schylar?!, 04-03-03 11:20pm

ok, this is nick.... I don't understand anything happening with her.... this is really freakin me out a bit... yeah, so, bye now...

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04-14-03 4:20pm

I sorries. Well we talked through everything and im not getting sent away until/unless I get another refferle, I've had so god damn many and it hurts!

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