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Atman (profile) wrote, on 4-7-2003 at 9:10pm | |
Current mood: Collective Music: Rock Subject: Today |
Today was a shit day. It sucked. My dad got pissed cuz I took the mouse pad and moved it cuz I hated it, and he didn't like that. Of course, he really hasn't ever supported any of my actions. Or at least shown he cares. So, he got mad, screamed at me and my mom, because I told him it was in the computer room and he couldn't find it. I went in and found it in about 3 seconds. So, now, I'm not talking to him and vice versa. What pisses me off is stupid things like that bother my dad, and he gets bent out of shape and goes on rampages. Its bullshit. So, mom tried to fix that by taking us out for breakfast. I didn't have anything to say to my father, so I brought that retarted "To kill a mocking bird" book along...I can't stand it. It gets worse the more I read it. hate hate hate hate HATE it. I'm doing my hate jig right now. So, neither of us are saying anything. Now right now, you might be thinking, "Addison, why not tell him your sorry?" Because, I'm not. I always have in the past, to halt his rage, but these days I just don't say anything, and when something he's done has pissed me off, I'm the one who had to be the bigger man. Fuck that. So, dead silent at the diner, and mom is getting annonyed. Can't do anything mom. Sorry. We go to great day, and we all know how much I love that store. People always watch me in there. I hate it. They think they are crafty, but they aren't. Ha ha, and I proved it earlier on. So, we get out of there and go home, and my dad takes the computer ALL day. Ayei...playing his damn solitare, which he plays day in and out. So, I'm bored to tears, and wishing I was elsewhere. I was left alone, and you all should know what happens when...that happens? I over-think myself way too much. I try to justify the things I tell myself, but its too hard...and I unjustify those things. The only escape I have right now is an old video game I play on the computer...ah...its awesome though. Anyway, I over-thought myself all day. I finally get the computer and play for awhile, and my parents are trying to lull me back to them. Whatever...I'm wondering if I'm ever gonna get past this over-analyzing thing I have. I hope so, or I'm gonna drive myself insane and commit suicide or something. Its that or I need someone I can talk with...someone I can trust...someone who would take me seriously, yet at the same time wouldn't. I gotta go think about something else or escape to my electronic escape, so ILYTL. |
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lil_bill06 | I'm here, 04-07-03 9:46pm Hey you can always talk to me. I don't have a big mouth, i don't blab others problems. Don't commite suicide I would miss you then i wouldn't have anyone to talk to behind Bills back. lmao, LYSYB |
jim9nin | Re: I'm here, 04-07-03 11:01pm #1 at u can talk to me about anything. #2 i don't have a big mouth either. #3 kate what do u mean behind my back. And #4 there's always rob |
sugarjackj | Re: Re: I'm here, 04-08-03 4:06pm #5 its fun to talk to jackie too. |
rayray | Re: Re: Re: I'm here, 04-08-03 8:48pm #6 Raych is always here for you no matter what the problem is.. Because she loves you bc you are one of her friends.. |