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mle (profile) wrote,
on 5-31-2002 at 4:10pm
Current mood: disappointed and hopeless
Music: oasis - wonderwall
Subject: so is this what it feels like to not get my way?

maybe im spoiled.
maybe im selfish.
or maybe its just a matter of all good moods/days must come to an end.

so the 2 leadership positions i want SO BADLY slip out of my hands. more like, are pried from my greedy little fingers. either way, it sucks. i wanted to be on principal advisory board SO bad. i wanted to be a class officer SO bad. and of course they both go to hell. i almost broke down in tears in the chem lab (i was finishing the test that took me over 2 whole class periods to do).

plus, cheer tryouts are thursday. and im gonna get cut. may not sound like a big deal, but at west, if you're cut from anything, you really sucked. most sports dont have cuts on any level. and im gonna get cut, just from watching the other girls at workshop on wed.

plus, i already missed dance tryouts for the team at my studio. well, it probably wouldve hurt my confidence even more (if thats possible) for me to have tried out because id get cut again (and they dont cut very many people either)
some of the company (team) girls did their little recidal dance and i was in awe. theres this little quirkish style they have that differenciates "company" from "recreational" (as toni referred to me - that still hurts me). and well, i dont have that extra little thing they do.
in other words, ill never be a real dancer.

there is one nice thing about all this though-- my away message was "i think im gonna cry..." and dave and keith made this little chat room called "whats wrong mle" and were all sweet about it. when i told em i was just chillin here tonight, they were all like "no way, we want you to come hang out w/ us, even if we dont have any real plans." that whole group of kids just seem so much nicer/happier than my friends @ west. but then again, everything seems peachy in the beginning.

i think im just a tad bitter over the fact that i was really optimistic the past few days, especially yesterday. and now its gone down the drain. i cant even begin to tell you how much im disappointed...

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06-01-02 11:39pm

boy. i can't tell at all where you're coming from. what's your email? no, that's not a random question. i want to send you one.

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Re:, 06-02-02 1:29am
aol sn: mle3102
did u ever get aol im?? u should - it kicks ass :)

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