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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 4-8-2003 at 6:54pm
Current mood: happy/sunny!!
Music: clemency of course
hey hey! i'm in sunny california at my aunts! it was about 65-70 degrees here today. it was wonderful!! my aunt took us to a few beaches and around. it's so beautiful here!! i love it!! we layed out in the sun in our bathing suits this afternoon. and she has an OUTDOOR shower!! with a curtain and everything. it's soooo cool!!! it 's so much fun!!! just everything is great here. i'm having a blast and i hope you all are too!!!! i miss you all!!! love and hugs!
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04-08-03 10:21pm

bleh bleh you suck

But i love you anyway!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)

(reply to this)


04-08-03 11:14pm

hey hey, I'm in michigan at my house,


whatever, enjoy yourself

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04-09-03 12:59am

Fuck you, Goomba.

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