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andi (profile) wrote,
on 4-14-2003 at 7:56am
Current mood: awake
Subject: yesturday_dance
Hey ya'll! what's sizzling my bacon fat strips? Ha! i thought of a new one. lol I went to teh beach yesturday to c my friends from Aspen. they left this morning. :( i probably wont c them for another year, but i might visit them in the summer. it was fun yesturday. i got a new friend. he's from somehwere up north i forgot. boy my friends and i suck a bean at vollyball. it's not us, it was our ball. it was screwed.
My friend Cali (username to c her journal) got a date to teh dance! they r sooo cute together. her date is eric H. i have no one i think, so i think i'll just go single if DLM doesn't wanna go w/ me. All my guy friends that i would of gone w/ have dates or future dates or r not gonna go. well i'll write or rather type to u later. i got to bounce like a ball. byes!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AndI~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
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1 2 3, 04-14-03 6:17pm

hey i'm testing it so, i can have my things show. byes

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Hey, 04-15-03 7:40pm

Hey! Update this thang! You are going wit someone!LOL!:)

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