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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 4-15-2003 at 5:10pm
Current mood: bored
I haven't played hockey in a while, but tonight I'm going all out. I'm gonna skate until i literally cant anymore. I need to see how long I can last cause ice hockey is coming and I want to be able to play like I could before. So starting next week i'm gonna try to do 2-3 hours of skating every day after school. If anyone wants to come and just shoot pucks at me I'd love it, haha, my Dad aint the best shooter in town.
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04-15-03 5:52pm

jeeze boy! i would, cept id be bad, and i would look like wayne's ex on the bicycle..haha..GL on ur practice, tho! :)

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04-15-03 8:28pm

i think i should just throw stuff at you at random intervals to keep you on your toes. like when you're in a class that i'm not in, or when you're sleeping, or as you're driving. it'll be good practice

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