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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 6-5-2002 at 1:43pm
Current mood: thirsty
Music: pizza buzzers going off
hey kids. i'm really tired and thirsty. i'm at work but i'm not working. ha! i could be at the beach with sean, stef and whoever else was going, but sean had to work and stef got tickets to ben kweller. sooo... that plan backfired. sean dropped by for a few hours yesterday. we chatted and listened to music. fun times. i don't have plans for the rest of the day, so if you want to get together, call me. i'm up for anything. :)
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06-05-02 10:31pm

yeah. plans have a tendency to backfire.

i'm thirsty too.

dani at a job. just the thought has me scared out of my wits.

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