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andi (profile) wrote,
on 4-16-2003 at 9:29pm
Current mood: spirited
Music: i beleive in Jesus
Subject: Church
Ok, I was at a bon fire on Wed. But there was no fire. Tubular huh? We didn't have a enormous fire b/c we didn't have the water truck, but we had a dinky one. I had marshmellows and other "yummy in my tummy" things. Well all in all, there was this thing that got me thinking and I want to share it w/ you...
I BELIEVE life is more than survival.
I BELIEVE the heart is more than a muscle.
I BELIEVE in hope and freedom.
I BELEIVE we know right from wrong.
I BELEIVE my life can make a difference.
I BELEIVE the message of the Cross.

(think about it...)
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04-17-03 4:49pm

thats super d dooper

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