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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 6-7-2002 at 1:01am
Thrice & Recover were AWSOME!!! It was fun cept 4 that freaky kid that kept on touching me & Sara... urghh... wellll... I got to c mi amigo Jamie which made me happy and hung out w/the oh so cool ATL kids. I also met this girl Susan whos pretty cool cept she cracked on my cheese puffs. Hmmm... We waited 4 a hell of a long time but it was really worth it I think. I can't wait until June 16 - Taking back Sunday, June 17 - The Juliana Theory, Piebald, GlassJaw June 25 - The Get up kids, Hot Rod Circuit.... lots of goood bands :0) A VERY hot guy got my # ;0) ::wink wink:: now lets just c if he actually calls... hehe j/k or maybe not. or yeah. or no .. urgh
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kick the emo habbit!, 06-07-02 10:53am

i'll never quite understand you, vivi: you go to a concert to meet guys, and then go to another to cry about it?

arg...emo is beyond me.

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stop poking me!, 06-07-02 12:23pm

that show was amazing!
i got a 7/10. yay! urgh. byes.

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