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tuwang (profile) wrote, on 6-9-2002 at 7:51am | |
Music: 311 -Stealing Happy Hours Subject: I'm gone |
I dont' want to go, but I have no choice. My uncle's fun though. Had fun at the concert last night. That was fun. I'd say I enjoyed Blink182 the most. Greenday just kind of got boring after about 5 or 6 songs. Not saying they were bad, but I just liked blink182 better. Yeah, adn I freaked out when he started playing carousel. I'm gonna miss you people, but I gotta go. Leave me a long comment , so when I get back I have something to do. |
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unwanted | heh, 06-09-02 11:52am Mom is using this against me. She says "since Kevin is gone you can actually do something for a change." She says that as if I don't do shit. Oh well. Anyway. I miss you already, but I'll write you a longer message later... I have awhile to just bombard you with messages! |
holiday | hey kev!, 06-09-02 5:25pm I hope you have an awesome time at your uncles, sitting on the hills! :)
danibean | long comment...hhmm..i'll try, 06-09-02 7:56pm well, i'm good at writing, but i'm not when i don't have a good subject to write about. i'll just talk to you as if you were here and listing to me ramble. i had an ok weekend at the lake. i got somewhat of a tan, but not much because the weather kinda sucked. i wrote a story! a story called summer romance. get this... it's about a girl and a guy having a romance in the summer! ha! anyway.. i'm tired, can you tell?? i hope you are having fun in the moutains. i think it'd be so cool to sit up there watching the sunset and thinking about everything. you're a pretty lucky kid. i thought about you guys last night when you were at the concert. i'm glad you had a good time. something tells me by now, you are extremely bored with this long comment. but hey, it kept you busy for a minute didn't it! so therefore i fufilled the pourpose i was tring to acheve. occuping your time. hey, it's what you asked for. see you when you get home.
unwanted | Ahhh, 06-10-02 11:09am *hugs* It's been what, two days? I'm already missing you... well I was before you even left. Just the mere thought of not even TALKING to you for two weeks was scary enough. I'm bored already too. I've come to find how much I really depend on your for laughs.
Anonymous | Re: Ahhh, 06-10-02 6:14pm are fun to ride! |
GlitterKisses | Having Fun???, 06-12-02 9:43am Hay Kevin!! I hope you are having fun up there in those mountains, It's gotta be better than down here in boring Michigan. But hay, we can make some fun no matter were we are! :)