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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 4-27-2003 at 12:45am
Last night in the dorms. Went to some Thai/Chinese place with Mike and Jeremy. Good food, bad location. Why put a restaurant in the Maple Hill Mall? Then we went wandering the Crossroads Mall. I made one observation: it could have just been this night, but the scenery at the mall isn’t nearly as good as it is at WMU. Then “The Transporter” was viewed. Walter joined us for the viewing as well as Katie for part of it. Really funny movie even if it isn’t supposed to be. It makes a really good start to my DVD collection. I hope it grows quickly, although not as much as Jason‘s. Then after everyone left to pack or sleep the weirdest thing happened. Phil came over. I put the movie in for the second time and packed while Phil was watching it. There was the occasional bit of conversation during the movie, I could have been his friend had I got to know him. He’s actually a really neat guy. I wished I’d learned that before the last night. Overall sort of a slow last night.

This morning was not nearly as slow. I wake up at 6 am for my checkout time of 11:15 am. I am half and hour late checking out. I really wish those girls had not left and would have let me put stuff in the basement like had been agreed. It made for some interesting packing. Mike was nice enough to take a refrigerator for a while, which I packed as full of stuff as I could. The rest fit in my truck. When I say fit, maybe that isn’t the best word. I had to sit on the left side of the drivers seat because the right side was taken up by some stuff. Not fun for 7.5 hours. I just kept finding more stuff to put in. It was hard to clear a path across the front seat so I could see the passenger side mirror so I could make it though all of the traffic. Traffic was ok though cruise was set around 85 most of the way.

This all ended too soon. Time to start over. Year number three.
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04-27-03 11:29pm

I could have told you Phil is a good kid. He's really inconsiderate at times espiecially if you're his g/f.

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