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andi (profile) wrote,
on 4-28-2003 at 5:05pm
Current mood: confused
Subject: HIM and him
ok there's this dude and i dunno if i really wanna go out w/ him for sure. i wanna but then i don't sometimes. it's weird. it's confuseing and if u know me i'm not all that good at the b/f and g/f thing. i suck a bean or maybe 2 i dunno.

Then there's this other dude (him). i'm not totally over him as i wnat to be. like if he's around girls i get a lil jealous. it sux b/c i don't want to like him like that. urgh! well i'm gonna go now.

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?, 04-28-03 5:38pm

Ok, here is my question, if you go out w/ the guy, do you think he will be happy as you being g/f b/f?Does he know what your like as a g/f?Will you hurt him more if you didnt go out w/ him? Or would you make him happy just being "together"? And are you gunna stay friends after you brake up? You will be at different schools and if he asks you out when i think he will, you will have 2 weeks together and then the summer, and if you guys hang out during the summer then i can see it but if not.......whats the point?

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do it, 04-28-03 9:11pm

go out w/ him, because if u dont someone else will, belive me

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