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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 4-30-2003 at 6:44pm
Current mood: waiting
Music: Cocaine
Today was a sort of blur, I don't really remember anything. I got home and it was raining so I took up the guitar instead of playing hockey, played for about 2:30. At first i realized i dont play lead well without any backing. Turned on some bob marley: realized i don't play great lead without backing. Conclusion: I play the best when playing with other people. Me and mark could be in a damn band if he wasn't already in one, and he can play adult venues and I can't. I also like playing with my cousin Danie: excellent drummer, she lives in Naples though. I want to be in a band! Even if it's not really my exact style, at this point it doesn;t matter. I just lvoe playing with others, and i think that's what makes me play better. I'm gonna listen to some more Marley before hockey starts.....exodus, movement of jah people....
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04-30-03 11:12pm

you should joint The Walrii, it's not a real serious band, but were you expecting a band fronted by your's truly to be serious?

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Re:, 05-01-03 3:27pm

haha, that sounds pretty cool...

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