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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-3-2003 at 1:29am
Current mood: tired
Went and saw X2 tonight. Good movie, poor theater. Hugh Jackman was naked, backlit though, that was disappointing. The foreshadowing was way too obvious. The plot of X3 is already given away...
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05-03-03 4:22pm

I saw it too. Agreed and agreed. Well the plot for me is given away, because I know the comic. I don't know how much you know the comic, so I question what you think about X3. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was there was way too little Colossus (Guy with metal skin). Nightcrawler O\/\/ nz.

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05-04-03 1:48am

I do not know the comic. I watched the cartoon every day when I was little though. The Dark Phoenix was fairly apparent to me. It’s weird seeing Rogue and Wolverine with a relationship. In the cartoon Rogue and Gambit had something and Jubilee and Wolverine had something. Also Lady Deathstrike had very little part. Wolverine didn’t even know who she was. I agree there was too little of Colossus, but he should appear more in the next one. They should release these closer together now I have to wait another year or two for the next.

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05-03-03 5:58pm

Yeah... I also contributed to the what I'm sure will be 100 bajillion dollar opening weekend total. I absolutely loved the vast majority of it, it was a lot darker than the first one, a la Empire Strikes Back, but I thought the third act fell a bit flat. Still good, but it was like they couldn't decided how to end it. To display my ignorance of X-Men lore, I offer some of the questions I had for my friends last night.

- "I thought Nightcrawler was a bad guy??"
- "Who the hell was that dude with the metal?"
- "Capt. Picard, err Professor X can stop time?! That's SO tight!"
- "What does Hannibal Lecter have against mutants?"
- And finally, this one before the feature began... "Matt Damon & Greg Kinnear as Siamese twins?! What the fuck?!"

Yeah, so... yeah. I was going to write an entry for today, but screw it now, this is it. :-P

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05-04-03 1:51am

Why did you think Nighcrawler was a bad guy? He was a monk at a monastery. The metal guy is Colossus. Professor X cannot stop time, but he can control minds, so he makes people stop thinking so they stop moving, making it look like time stops. Where do you get Hannibal Lecter from? I did not have that preview before, I got Legally Blonde 2 and Matrix 2.

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Re:, 05-04-03 2:09am


I guess I've seen it twice now...

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Re:, 05-06-03 12:36am

Brian Cox played William Stryker, and he also played Hannibal Lecter in the "Manhunter," which you may or may not have watched with me, I can't remember. Hence my comment.

Did the Matrix Reloaded trailer give anybody else a hard-on as well? Wait, that's more of a rhetorical question...

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Re: Re:, 05-06-03 10:23am

Yeah deffinately!
Oh wait... you said "rhetorical"...

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Re: Re: Re:, 05-06-03 1:09pm

::is confused and slightly aroused once again:: j/k

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 05-06-03 10:52pm

Deffinately not as much as the AniMatix, that was AWESOME!

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 05-08-03 11:41pm

Defiantely awesome movie, Worried about how they will do the Dark Pheonix though cuz the Shi'Ar would just be really really stupid. i heard some rumors about angel/archangel so that also means Apocalypse, who could look either AWESOME or FUCKED UP BEYOND BELIEF. Loved Gambit's name on the comp screen as well as the cameos by siryn, colossus, shadowcat and beast were all cool.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 05-08-03 11:47pm

Gambits name on the Comp screen?

Dammit I need to go see it again.

(who would win in a kariokee contest between siryn and Banshee?)

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Re: To all of the Re:, 05-11-03 1:15pm

I didn't see Gambit's name on the screen either. Beast was not blue and furry, just a normal guy, how is that?

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