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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-6-2003 at 9:19pm
Current mood: thankful
Tuesday is almost over. All moved in. I attempted to go to the rec. Our water isn’t on yet so I figured I would take a shower there. Guess what, the rec is only open to students enrolled for the current semester. I would have to buy a membership if I wanted to go in, what a rip off. So I made another trip to Mike’s house and borrowed his shower. Then we went back to my place, picked out which room for me, and then went and bought paint. White trim and blue walls, although only the ceiling and part of the trim are painted so far. Attempted to get my Michigan drivers license for residency purposes, I need three forms of ID. My driver’s license works for one. Have to get a passport and my birth certificate just to get a stupid drivers license. What and the hell do I need with a passport if I’m trying to declare residency in Michigan? Anyway. Took Mike to dinner for his troubles, Taco Bell. I was starting to feel like I’m imposing on Mike. He’s been helping so much. He hasn’t said no yet and has offered so much, but I feel as if he’s doing too much. Some of this stuff my roommates should be helping with, but they haven’t arrived yet. Anyway, I am very grateful for your help Mike. Thanks.
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05-06-03 10:50pm

Joe, ther is no need for thanks. I'm sure you would do the same for me. :)

I would happily give you a kidney if you had need. This stuff is no skin off my back. If not for you, I would have spent the last two days sitting on my arse, eating potato chips.


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Re:, 05-07-03 1:57am

Aww, so much love in K-Zoo... I miss it.

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