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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-7-2003 at 11:48pm
They’re here. Jay and Josh finally got here today/tonight. I began painting my room with the paint that I had the guy at Mendards match to my sheet. It doesn’t match. My walls are dark purple. GRRR. Jason, you should have stayed working here. I went and ordered a phone, it comes in tomorrow. Expensive, but I get something small enough for my pocket with a color screen. Went to dinner with Jay, Josh, and Bobby. Water gets turned on tomorrow, and then I can take a shower. I really need one after painting. My face is covered it white speckles. I’ll actually be able to use my own bathroom too! Can’t think of much else. Night.
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05-08-03 1:22am

What inferior numbskull helped you? :-P What color are you sheets? Finally, what service are you going through for your phone?

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05-08-03 8:57am

I’m not sure what his name was. I’d guess he was in his early 20’s and had medium brown hair. My sheets are dark blue, hard to screw up right? I’m getting T-Mobile.

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