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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-8-2003 at 4:18pm
You are Keith, boyfriend to David Fisher. You are a
tough cop who doesn't take anyone's shit. And
if you have to shoot them, so be it. You're a
bit of a live-wire when things piss you off,
but you're always there when someone needs you.

Which Six Feet Under Character Are You?
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05-08-03 6:30pm

At first glance, you definitely seem like a black gay studly cop, but the more I think about it, the more it fits. I think you are more like Keith than David, you aren't near as whining or needy as him... AHH, what am I talking about, I don't think any of you people have even seen the show. Oh well. Dinner's ready!

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05-11-03 12:31pm

I saw it once while I was in Chicago. That was the only time I've had decent cable channels. Now I have no cable, or TV for that matter, so, yeah.

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