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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 5-12-2003 at 3:59pm
Subject: death is upon me...
Allison Le Bel: Hi
Justin BeVier: hello
Allison Le Bel: How are you?
Justin BeVier: i'm okay
Allison Le Bel: oh
Allison Le Bel: You make me cry
Justin BeVier: i don't mean to
Allison Le Bel: I know
Allison Le Bel: it's hard though
Allison Le Bel: don't break up with me until after saturday
Justin BeVier: why?
Allison Le Bel: because I will see you
Justin BeVier: i can't do that
Allison Le Bel: and I just think that maybe we need to see each other for more than a few minutes
Allison Le Bel: you can't see me?
Justin BeVier: i don't know anymore
Allison Le Bel: don't know about us
Justin BeVier: i don't know about us
Allison Le Bel: you like someone else don't you
Justin BeVier: a little
Allison Le Bel: I knew it
Allison Le Bel: so it's me
Allison Le Bel: who do you like?
Justin BeVier: nobody you know
Allison Le Bel: I want to know
Allison Le Bel: is she a 8th grader?
Justin BeVier: *wonders a bit*
Allison Le Bel: you like her more than I?
Allison Le Bel: Her name is kate
Justin BeVier: congrats
Allison Le Bel: so it's over then
Justin BeVier: i guess
Allison Le Bel: have fun with her
Justin BeVier: i'm sorry
Allison Le Bel: no you are not
Justin BeVier: i'm not?
Allison Le Bel: do you know how horrible I feel
Allison Le Bel: I could kill myself right now
Allison Le Bel: just because of you
Justin BeVier: don't
Allison Le Bel: some fucking boy
Allison Le Bel: like you wouiold fucking care
Justin BeVier: like i would care?
Allison Le Bel: you wouldn't exact
Justin BeVier: obviously you don't know me very well
Allison Le Bel: ly
Allison Le Bel: you dumped me for another girl that james likes
Allison Le Bel: and she likes him
Allison Le Bel: and you don't want to see if something is still here
Justin BeVier: somthing used to be there
Justin BeVier: but it faded
Justin BeVier: people change
Justin BeVier: you know that
Justin BeVier: go find sombody better than me
Justin BeVier: you could easily
Allison Le Bel: no I could not
Allison Le Bel: no one likes me
Allison Le Bel: you were the first guy that actually liked me
Justin BeVier: did you not get asked to prom by 3 people?
Allison Le Bel: yeah those were friends
Allison Le Bel: you know how long we have been together? 4 months 1 week and 1 day...that's the same time you and lindsey broke up
Justin BeVier: is it?
Allison Le Bel: yes
Allison Le Bel: Iknew it
Allison Le Bel: I guess I am going to go then
Justin BeVier: don't do anything stupid
Allison Le Bel: ...
Allison Le Bel: maybe
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05-12-03 4:03pm

ally iam so sorry hun! iam always here for you if u need to talk to anyone..well actually my messenger..i dont have it lol but u can email me anytime okay iam so sorry! i mean i love justin to death but thats a bunch of fricken bullcrap...just member i still love you and dont want u to do anything cuz even if justin dont care alot of people do

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Re:, 05-12-03 4:14pm

thank you

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Re: Re:, 05-14-03 6:34pm i donno anytime..:P

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05-12-03 4:07pm

i tried, i failed, but don't say i don't care don't ever say that, i tried, thats all i can say, by the time you relised how much i loved you it was to late, i'm sorry allison

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Re:, 05-12-03 4:16pm

So it was my fault, I didn't see how much you loved me? Obviously not enough otherwise it would have lasted. Or do you not love me because I didn't think that you loved me?

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Re:, 05-12-03 4:20pm

Oh and stop calling me allison... it makes me want to throw up...cuz you are the only one from cedar that called me that...
Oh, not saying you make me sick just that thinking of you does because I knwo what we had and you don't... I loved you still do and you feel nothing.

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