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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2003 at 12:34am
Current mood: pissed off
Music: jack off jill, wutever song it will play
im about to fuckin kill ed!!! he kan just go to hell and burn and torture and i wanna wipe my blood all over his face and in his mouth and ppl are just pissin me off, ed specially. i getsta kill tiph tho! that good. handcuffs. blood. razors(i dont like knives in particular). my blood. torturin of me so she sumhow tortures by sympathy for me which no one has. and also ticklin. it will tie evrything together. then she will go to hell. only kuz i luv her tho. she wont torture like sum. im gonna kill sumtin. i need sumone to talk to. who kares if its 10:35?
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teehee jess you're a psychopath:P, 05-23-03 12:07am

lol thats a funny... well ne ways... dont be mad at ed... its not his fault... its tiphs.... you should kill her... just please, no blood... thats disgusting:P

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Re: teehee jess you're a psychopath:P, 05-23-03 1:03am

o tiph...if i was to kill u there would be LOTS of blood....soo much fun....i woud have all kindsa sharp objects and BITING....i already told u all this....peace....

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