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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2003 at 12:28pm
Current mood: bitchy
Music: Nick Cave: Death Is Not The End
Warning: I’m in a bitchy mood and many of these comments are petty and should be ignored, I’m relieving frustration. This is probably the lowest and highest point in my life. I have my own place. I am not under the supervision of WMU or my parents. I wish I had picked a better place. My room is ok; the purple is less purple with stuff in it. The plants helped too. I need to bring more though; I only have about eight right now. I did some more shopping yesterday. I got food so I wouldn’t have to eat McDonalds total bill $88. Went to K-Mart and got stuff that Josh wouldn’t. $37. Total credit card bill for this month: $1035.79, plus $250 on another one. I need a job. I went around applying yesterday again. Stopped by Menards they said that they were going to wait until they got more applications and then talk it over with the managers who to hire. I filled out that stupid application. It only has my name, address, phone number, and school. No references, no nothing. What in the hell can you idiots discuss over who you want to hire?! Went to Stryker too. A temp agency was hiring for them, I was turned away when they found out I’m a student. WHAT THE HELL? I’m attempting to get a college degree what is wrong with that? I listened to people’s interviews as I waited. Some of these people are complete idiots. Some were applying for management positions. Hello, it’s a temp agency and the ad said that they were hiring for PRODUCTION. Other people couldn’t even fill out the application correct. Please tell me why a person with twice the intelligence of those is not qualified for the job? Not even fucking McDonalds is hiring. I might just call dad and have him call Charlie so I get the job at Menards. But, I’m not sure how the management would feel if they were told to hire a person by a member of the Menard family. I’ll wait until this coming Monday and if I don’t have anything yet, then I’ll call. Ok, now roommate frustrations. Both Josh and Jay showed up two days late. So, all of the utilities (gas, water, & electricity) are in my name. Jay isn’t going to be here for the summer so it’s up to me and Josh to get the house in working order. So far I have been the only one to clean and Josh isn’t doing a very good job of keeping it that way. Also, I’ve been buying stuff for the house, the last few things I told Josh to get and intentionally did not buy because I’ve spent so much so far that he is not willing to help with. Last night I broke down and went shopping. This morning I wake up and all the groceries I have bought are moved into his cupboard. These are the groceries that I spent money on so I could eat not you. Stuff that I was going to leave on the shelf for later unopened is already opened. Isn’t it a rule of thumb with your roommate’s food that if it’s already open it’s ok to take some as long as you give back somehow in the long run? With Jason and I there was some sort of understanding. I think overall I took advantage of him, but I did try and restock his shelf, buy my own groceries, and offer money when he came back with groceries. Also why are you still using my toothpaste go out and buy your own. Josh brought a guy home Sunday night. They were watching a movie loudly so I shut off my music, so that the sounds didn’t cross over. Then when their movie ends the sex starts. Maybe it’s just me, but shouldn’t you know the person a little better before the sex starts? I mean, I have never heard the guys name before and last night, one night later he is complaining to me about some other guy. Josh, you’re really a slut. Yesterday morning Josh was mad because I was taking a bath. He didn’t say what time he needed the bathroom to get ready for work. Also, go downstairs; there is a SECOND bathroom. Oh, and there’s Jay too. Really nice guy, if he were here he would be helping with the cost and the fixing of the house. But he’s at home for the summer because he has a job there. Also there is this whole sexual assault charge against him. Supposedly he molested his boyfriends little brother as he slept. How does the kid know it happened if he was sleeping? Maybe it’s true, but from what I know of Jay it’s not. Hopefully it doesn’t end up with him in jail. I have no clue what we would do with our lease then. I’m sure I’ve forgotten annoying things but, I feel a little bit better after doing this venting. Oh well, once we get in our routines things should get better.
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05-13-03 4:21pm

Oh my goodness Joe!! I didn't realize that you have an online journal now. Wow! Sounds like you're having a really messed up day. Hope things get better. Love you!

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05-13-03 11:37pm you see why I am living alone? ;)

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Re:, 05-14-03 12:51am

Man you guys could have a sitcom "3 gay men and a house."

Go smack josh around a few times and tell him to shape up. That or stop ferrying his ass around and keep all of your food in your room.
Hope the situation improves.

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05-14-03 7:34pm

When this lease is up that will be a very strong consideration.

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05-14-03 1:18am

Joe, thank you for asking for advice, I need to feel useful tonight... also thanks for making my problems look insignifcant. :-P

Anyway. All I can say is try and lay some of those ground rules early so he doesn't get in shitty habits that are going to piss you off later. You shouldn't have to do that in the first place, but... I have nothing to complete this sentence. Hopefully, you guys will get the kinks out and things will smooth out, either that, or we really will go hunting. :-P

As for the job... it's a shit market, everyone's having trouble finding even summer help. Just keep cracking away at it. And don't feel bad ulitilizing your connections, otherwise they go to waste.

I think we all need to get totally smashed and go to the strip club... err, maybe that last part is just for my benefit.

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Re:, 05-14-03 2:51pm

I still need a job too, have applied all over town and nothing has panned out. So you are not alone Joe.

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05-14-03 7:36pm

I'll go to the strip club with you. There are actually quite a few cute guys there. All straight, but they're staring at the stripper, makes it easy for me to look at them with out getting caught. :-)

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Re:, 05-14-03 9:40pm


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Re: Re:, 05-14-03 11:25pm

definately gonna have to count me out on the strip club. I have a hard enough time not giving my eternal soul to the womens when there fully clothed.

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Re: Re: Re:, 05-15-03 12:55pm

I take that back.

I could use some objectification.

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