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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2003 at 7:14pm
Current mood: accomplished
Music: Nirvana: Rape Me
Did more cleaning today. Scrubbed the kitchen cabinets and put contact paper in them. Got all of my stuff moved into the kitchen and organized. Took garbage out. Need to scrub the bathroom. That’s for later tonight though. Landlord stopped by and fixed a few things. Our deadbolts work now, the shower is actually a shower, the drain doesn’t leak in the cabinet, one of my windows is caulked, most of the blinds are replaced, and we now have lights outside the house.

Found Mel’s journal, interesting reading.

I think I’m going home this weekend. I grab my dresser and a chair for my room. See how much cleaning is necessary when I get back… Jason, you spoiled me for future roommates. That worked out way too well.

I do have a “new” truck though. That’s been good so far. Getting worse mileage than the last one though. Been carting Josh around because he doesn’t like his car. Going to have to put an end to that. I shouldn’t be wasting money on gas just because my vehicle is nicer. He totaled his first one, and bought the first one he found. It’s an old Cavalier station wagon, ready for the scrap heap.

I think today is going better than previous days. I’m in a slightly optimistic mood I think. We’ll see how long that lasts.
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05-14-03 1:21am

Yeah, I feel ya on the "spoiling" thing.

I should really start a cleaning service. That would be fun... God, I'm a nerd.

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