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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-14-2003 at 1:27pm
Current mood: chipper
This was a reply to yesterday’s journal, but it ended up being more of a new entry. So, here it is.

Ok, here it is Wednesday. I moved all of my food and kitchen stuff into separate cupboards. Josh asked/stated before he ate my food today. I think the point got across. I really had to laugh when I took a shower. Apparently Josh doesn’t have any body soap. I saw my white bar of soap on the shelf. Just a side note for the rest of you: my white soap is the prescription stuff from the dermatologist that dries out your skin beyond belief. It’s meant for use on flat areas of non-sensitive skin. Meaning if you use it around the edge of your nose or any other place that is slightly sensitive, you are going to have dry and extremely scratchy skin. If he used that to wash his entire body, he’s going to have a hellish day. :-) Applied for another job this morning. No calls back yet. Five more days then I’ll make the call and ask for a favor. I’m in a good mood for some reason. I’m going to try the passive approach steer Josh into doing what he should. If he doesn’t catch on soon I’m going to just have to tell him. If he were a normal guy this would be so much easier. His personality is fragile and I offend him enough as it is, I’m trying to be polite. The politeness may stop, may not. I think the biggest thing will be how the house is when I come back from a weekend at home. I’m going back to get a chair, dresser, see some friends, and beg the parents for more cash. To whoever was organizing this Cedar Point getaway thing, when is it going to happen? Thanks for the advice guys!
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05-15-03 6:09pm

Oh shit, now you tell me about the soap... this explains SO much. Just kidding. :-)

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