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andi (profile) wrote,
on 5-15-2003 at 8:21am
Current mood: somethin to say
Subject: advise
ok so let me tell u this, if marie tells u a sercret and she doesn't want u to tell but u tell bill. Then marie tell bill her secret and then bill tells marie that he already knows of her secret and marie asks who told him and of course he tells b/c it's bad to lie to a friend expecailly if it's not that big of deal, even though he knew before u told him. Well you know that Bill told Marie, so your GRRRdified at him. But come on! it's not he's total fault. I mean dude, u broke the promise first, so u can't blame all on Bill.

When you tell someone a secret ur taking a chance, a chance of them telling people. even though u can trust them they may tell someone. i believe that all of us can't keep a secret. we all tell someone, either a person, GOD, or a pet.

to that person: it's not all my fault!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*AndI~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~
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Ok, 05-15-03 8:34pm

LOL! That made secnce to me but im not sure about everyone else who reads it!

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