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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-15-2003 at 2:43pm
Yup. It’s Thursday. I went to Katie’s place last night. She has some neat friends. I forget the name of the one that was really nice, but there was Kelly and Sarah too. They said that they have one rule at the house: you have to do a beer bong to enter. I did my first one of those, they congratulated me on my skill, I think that’s a compliment? I think the one girl that I liked would be a good match for Andy. Rachelle. That’s it. I probably spelled it wrong, but that’s my best guess. I scrubbed some today. Got some of the gunk off of the ceiling in the bathroom. One of the smoke alarms went off as I took a shower. That could get annoying. I got a reply from one of my job applications: sorry but the position has been filled. Please apply at our website to be considered for future job opportunities. Grr. So, I leave for home tomorrow. Not sure what time yet. We’ll see.
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05-15-03 2:47pm

So... where do they live?

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05-15-03 2:53pm

Up two streets. Really short walk.

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Re:, 05-15-03 5:08pm

I want to get to know this....racheal

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05-15-03 9:50pm

Come for a visit.

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Re:, 05-16-03 3:30am

i now have a reason too :)

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Re: Re:, 05-16-03 9:25am

You didn't before?

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