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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 6-22-2002 at 7:12pm
Current mood: gloomy
Music: get up kids- i'll catch you
hey guys... most of you probably already know the story about nick vandyke so i'm not going to reiterate what jessie and jessi already wrote and what you've already heard. however, i do want to personally ask everyone to pray for him. i wasn't really close with him but i was in slc with him last year and i do know he is a sweet kid and he is loved by alot of people. so if you get the chance please add him to your prayer chains at church or pray for him on your own. also keep matt in your prayers. these are two wonderful guys. please help them out by praying for both of them.
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06-22-02 7:39pm

Hay Hun, all we can do it pray. And have faith and hope he'll be okay. I just wanted to tell you, because who knows if I'll get the chance to ever again, thank you for being you, I dunno what I'd do without you!

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Re:, 06-22-02 11:17pm

thanks jessi... you're a good friend. :)

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I'll pray, but, 06-23-02 12:33am

I'll pray for Nick, just, who is he and what went wrong?
(Sorry that I'm not well-informed.)

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Re: I'll pray, but, 06-23-02 9:15am

check out my journal to fill you in ;)

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Re: I'll pray, but, 06-26-02 6:59pm

You might get to know Nick, though. He is suppose to be in band this year as a freshman (he's a drummer). I hate saying 'suppose to be'.

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