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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 6-22-2002 at 11:55pm
Music: blink182 - dysentary gary
Subject: weeeee
I went to a open house and played. WE SUCKED!!1, but we made up for it with jokes. We couldn't get a hold of dusty so we had to have nate play, but he doesn't know any of our songs, so yeah.

I dyed my hair red. I don't know why, it just felt good. Me and Robby Co-wrote a song. It's called "The Song of the 21st." It actually will sound awesome once we put a guitar part to it. Well, I'm gonna go now. Later, and I'm still on for the beach if anyone wants to go. later.
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*sighs*, 06-23-02 12:32am

Apparently you have much to learn. When all else fails, humor works. No matter what the situation. It just does. Its like, hypnotic to people. I remember once I broke my cousins arm. Oops. Well, he should know better than to try to smack me with a plastic chair. Needless to say, he started to cry. Mom ran in for help, and I just making him laugh. In fact, he laughed so hard he told me I was funny as they were giving him a cast or whatnot. Always go with humor when everything else fails.

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Re: *sighs*, 06-25-02 8:55pm

Nothing could have helped this attrocity.

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06-23-02 9:48am

No offense, but you guys didn't do too good, but hey, improvement always works!

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Re:, 06-23-02 11:27am

I'm completely aware of how bad we sucked. we could've done better, but our guitar player decided to take a vactation. So we couldn't get ahold of him, and we ended up using the drummers stepbrother, and he didn't know any songs we knew, so it didn't work out well, but don't get us wrong, we can be ok.

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Re: Re:, 06-23-02 1:15pm

Kev, I know you guys kick ass. So don't worry. Like you said, a few times more than you should have *cough* You had to use back up. You guys still beat out any other Cedar band, so don't worry bout it!

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Re: Re:, 06-25-02 8:56pm

I know you guys can be good. You were good at the talent show, but oh well. I think you were really starting to piss my dad off, but who cares. Good times!

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-25-02 8:58pm

yeah, I was wondering if maybe we could borrow some monitors and cables for my 4th of july show, which I promise you will be alot better than the one at your open house, if you don't mind.

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