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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 5-18-2003 at 6:37pm
Current mood: chipper...never thought id EVER use that...
Music: HA!i gotta free far from eden cd and all u dint!!!thas wut IM listenin to!!!
Subject: bob!!!!!!!
omg last night was a blast! the musik sucked sooo much more this year tho. ok, let me start from beginnin...(long entry time)at first i found schylar and roxanne and i ate their ice cream then we found a big bag of candy.we stole the suckers and gave ppl suckers cheese and spoons.we then found out sumbody stole our candy and ice cream but we could have cared less kuz it was all gonna go in the garbage. we later found out it was jacko the whole time so we reelly didnt kare.then i saw kendra....i was gonna spit at her my spoon but could never find her when i had chunks in my mouth...that sucked...o!then i met raab! sexy man! and i saw makabra or far from eden play with him!!!the lead singer is a VERY sexy man!!!i found out his name is shane and i got his coat! sexy man sexy man!!!i also gotta bite him twice, kuz the first time wasnt hard!more bout him to come...i also met bethy! her and carrie are more sexy ppl!i luv sexynesses!jacko is also yummy!but he wouldnt flash me for mardi gras beads:(o brr im suddenly cold! o but shane flashed me!numerous times and he has THE sexiest man boobs ive ever the fishnet....YUMM..and he kan REELLY sing...any pitch and go higher and lower than me...then schylar rox bethy carrie and ehriz(also sexy man!)left to cattins and i hadda stay kuz i kame with bai and she was being a bitch kuz not my evry moment was with her...bitch...but when they left it was all ok kuz i got shanes coat schylar was wearin and it went down past my knees but very warm!then i hung with shane(=D=D=D!!!!!!)wheelchair man(brandon) and hilary for a while.i sat in brandons wheelchair(very comfy) then it was like diggin into me so shane sat there an i sat on him and he was also very comfy! i licked him three times and he put spit on my forehead and kissed my ear.i felt love cept by schylar roxanne bethy and carrie who should all be pooed upon!!!i had fun withot them tho. o and i gotta bite brandon too. jodi is a hoe.i gave shane like three hugs and saw andy too!and gave him beads but decided he dint deserve em kuz if i took em bak then i wood have another reason to see shanes boobs!sexy fishnet too!im listenin to his thexy voice then the winners....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....3rd:huxter..THEY SUCK!!!ive always hated them!and the won last year so shouldnt have even been able to enter! .....2nd:lovehandles..nuther sucky band!!!!!!grrr........1st:kohl paraiah...grrrerrest!!!i think it shoulda been the monsters winnin then makabra(far from eden-shanes band that rock)i think it is very unfair to judge the bands that way...u only win if ur the type of musik they like....i think i got pink eye and i feel like shit.i m dun with this HUGE entry....
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hi, 05-19-03 8:27pm

hi, this is shane. i just wanted to say hi.

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Re: hi, 05-19-03 8:31pm

o tank u for that EXCELLENT comment =D

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