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mbenznut (profile) wrote, on 5-20-2003 at 12:24am | |
Current mood: accomplished |
Well I have to write a thank you for Charlie. Got a jar of jam out that we made last summer, that can be his reward. I talked with dad when he got home. Apparently Menards Kalamazoo wasn’t hiring like they said they were. Charlie said a position would be created for me though. This does seem weird. My Blazer isn’t ready to take back either. Might end up taking my brother’s car and having him take mine when he comes down this weekend. Mom got really mad when dad suggested I take her truck until my brother comes down to switch. I then wondered, mom, how am I supposed to fit a dresser and a chair Rob’s 2 door Honda Accord? It’s not exactly large. It’s even the old body style, the small one. And he hasn’t even owned it a week, and he’s supposed to loan it to me? He can’t fit the dresser and the chair in my truck with Marshall in the back seat either. I’ll leave Tuesday afternoon/evening hopefully I’ll avoid traffic that way. Mike, not sure what I really have open other than Wednesday night, that might even be in use depending upon what happens at the interview, don‘t think so though. Rob comes down Thursday and then I’ll be spending time with him. Any ideas on tourist destinations for him? |
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polishpimping | 05-20-03 12:56am I see how it is. Sure I'll tell you where to take "Rob".
mbenznut | Re:, 05-20-03 1:03am Downtown Mall? |
polishpimping | Re: Re:, 05-20-03 9:38am Yeah in downtown Kalamazoo there are a lot of neat shops. Especially in this one one block area. |