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andi (profile) wrote,
on 5-24-2003 at 12:02pm
Current mood: Yawn!
Subject: ZzZzZz....
Hello,how are you on the enchanting day? Do you feel lonely?Sad? Hurt? Well tell someone that cares and that isn't me at this moment of the day...

So I talked on the phone last night for a long time I guess. I woke up early this morning b/c of my sister getting ready to go to the beach...SNORE, I SNORE! Not really, but I'm about to fall asleep...a deep, deep sleep, a sleep where no blonde has gone before....ZzZzZ....and I'm BACK, from outta space! U know that song? It's a TubuLAR song.

Sorry for I am a wee bit tired and I talk just crap.

I am going to depart you. Farewell my good man/woman.....FAREWELL!

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05-24-03 6:01pm

ZZZZ! Me too! Lol..

Someone that loves you!

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i dont know, 05-24-03 6:04pm

i dont know why i sound so depressed on my journal. well i love you too..... i guess right now is just a hard time from me. well im glad your lifes just humdidaly um of a good time.

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whut the?, 05-24-03 6:52pm

LOL! Whut the hell kind or journal is that???LOL! I read it and was that was about? LOL! HEHE Whut the hell?

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