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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-25-2003 at 2:56pm
Current mood: awake
Music: Darude: Sandstorm
Rob, Hera, & Marshall left yesterday afternoon. Mike came over and watched the Matrix. Then we went and saw Matrix 2. I was expecting something much worse after what you guys had to say. I agree the rave scene was a bit much, but all of the useless scenes helped to explain life down there. I wondered what life would actually be like that far beneath the surface. The chase scenes were neat too. All GM cars, big plus, and Ducati motorcycles. Also for Andy’s comment about Neo’s “powers” I don’t think that they’re actually powers. They are ability. He still has a residual connection with the computers after killing the Matrix, so he can control some of the computers. After I got back watched Gladiator with Josh. Fell asleep, might watch it again.
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05-25-03 10:46pm

Uh.. You forgot to talk about neo's ass shot...

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Re:, 05-26-03 12:15am

He does have powers. Because they are all still IN the matrix. That is not the real world, it is a another level of the control. The One is a part of the control. The Architecht talks about how they only way the Matrix will be accepted is if there is a choice between acceptiing it or not. Those that choose to not accept the program, are sent to Zion. That is why the have been 5 Ones. ANd each of them chose to save save humaity by destroying zion and rebuilding it. Neo chose differently. Zion was still destroyed (for the 6th time) yet now neo is startign to understand that this is still the matrix. There was a reason he was given the spoon. There still is no spoon.

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Re: Re:, 05-26-03 11:16pm

There never was a spoon...

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