2006 22 January :: 8.05pm
:: Mood: optimistic
i feel very open and I like how this is kindof a private blog thing.
2 Stole It |
Rip it Away
2006 22 January :: 5.46pm
so this is kaye and I am excited because Sirus is amazing for making this mine and making the graphics and all of that.
even if you're not a member you can comment, just include your name.
2 Stole It |
Rip it Away
2006 22 January :: 5.20pm
Transfer of ownership.
This now belongs to Kaye.
Rip it Away
2005 12 November :: 10.26pm
does anyone read this?
6 Stole It |
Rip it Away
2005 1 November :: 10.47pm
halloween was alright. didnt get much candy, but i spend almost all night with rachael. i left her house around eleven. so that was fun. she's awesome!!!
yeah, thats about it. see ya'll later
Rip it Away
| | Random Journal