2008 23 July :: 12.33am
:: Music: tj random verses
Went and bought all the shit for the reception today and suprisingly only spent like $100.00 on candles and decor... yay me! all this stuff is coming together and it is awesome! we only have one more month and i cant wait. now all i need is the $$$$ and the marriage licence and a couple little things and i should be all set....
im so glad i finally got to spend the day with tj. its rare that we both have a day off now that he works a funny schedule. i do like spending time with him i am just stressed so i act mean.... he'll get over it right
Nathan called from fort lee today, he's doing good just really bored i guess. he's trying to get life straitened out but somehow he f's it up... i really dont know about him. its amazing what changes when hes hours upon hours away from all of us. And not to mention my mom.. she is a freaking nut. she messed up the invites so that everyone has till the 1st of aug to rsvp but i need to know today... and she keeps making decisions for me about my wedding that i really dont need her too...ah well i wont stress i wont stess
Over all today was a wonderful day and i hope i have many more of them.
2008 21 July :: 12.43am
Just got back from watching the Batman movie and it was freakin awesome!!!! i dont watch many movies but i really really liked this one...
2008 20 July :: 10.18am
Im at work AGAIN I seriously hate it here. I am applying somewhere else tomorrow.
I can't tak eit here. It is soooo boring and they treat their employees and clients like crap. They are truley a horrible company and I can't wait to get out of it.
Other than that I am just really confused bc there is only one thing im sure of in my life and the rest I don't know what to do with.
2008 20 July :: 1.55am
i'm SOOO tired. but it's back to the grindstone again tomorrow, so i suppose i ought to suck it up and deal.
sleepy time looms.
foreboding and somnambulant are the pertinent adjectives.
i think.
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2008 19 July :: 8.22pm
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
2008 19 July :: 12.07pm
this week has totally gone by way too fast, its having two days in a row off that messed my up i think... anyway i think i have a plan on finishing everything for the wedding, at least i hope i do i have like a month and i know it will be gone soon.
life is normail or at least for me. me and tj are working as much as possible so we get have the money to pay for shit. once this wedding is over we should be able to maybe save... calling the realator this week and hopefully the bank will get everything going so we can look at houses and maybe have one by the time our lease is up... i pray we do cause yeah this is a good apartment but i hate having neighbors all around me.
mom is driving me absolutely crazy... i bet its the stress but it seems every day she calls she has something to bitch about. Nate is at Fort Lee in Virginia and from what i hear he is doing good. its nice not having him around as sad as that sounds but he is definetly better off as far away from here as possible there is more oportunity there.
2008 18 July :: 5.44pm
A WoW joke in The Dark Knight?
SO the Joker asks what happens when the [Unstoppable Force] hits the [Immovable Object]. My reply is, Chuck Norris Dies!
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2008 18 July :: 2.46pm
:: Music: Weezer: Pardon Me
Why so Serious?
Whelp, its been awhile since I updated. I've been randomly flicking on my friend's page here and there babbling randomly about things but I figure I'm due for an update.
Lets see, I'm employed now, still stuck with the rents, and single. 1 out of 3 ain't bad, I figure. Specially as I'm not even sure I want that last one fixed. Bringing a girl into my life has done nothing but cause hell, so maybe I should stay away from the chicas for awhile. Other than that, I'm trying to hang out with people as best as I can, but I'm sucking at it. I'm due to call Chris soonish and engage in some drunken shenanigans, kevin's been blowing me off, and I really need to go see kelly and PJ. Its on my to do list, among other things.
Everything's kind of been a blur lately too. I hate this stupid dreamstate that I'm in where nothing seems real, like I'm killing time for some grand finale.
Went to see the new Batman, and I was completely blown away. I really didn't think Heath Ledger could play the joker well at all, and was surprised. Saw it at the imax and I'm honestly tempted to do it again.
School is still slowly approaching, bringing a looming shadow with it. I'm on academic probation AGAIN, and I didn't do too terrible last semester, I just was short a credit or two. That and the constant feeling that I'm wasting my time with this plastics thing. Ok, I know I am, but once more, its way too late to pick something else, and its my own fault for picking it for the reasons I did. I'm just hoping I can halfass my way through the rest of it unlike what happened at central.
I'm going to go try sleeping for a bit, though with my back torn to hell thanks to kitty litter, I'm wondering how successful that will actually be. Later.
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2008 18 July :: 1.28am
drizzunk? schmammered? was macht es?
seriously, guys. 9pm. friday night (tomorrow... or today, depending on how you view it). sazerac lounge. be there (i will).
and fuck you jessa, for getting that damn song stuck in my head, right before i go to sleep. it will drive me insane.
; )
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2008 17 July :: 12.17am
went to blues on the mall tonight with mom and lib.
i got some free beers (we went to the BOB during the thunderstorm), and i got to hang with my family and pontificate some. it was gratifying.
but after spending all day working, and all evening walking around downtown, i am completely beat. and i get to do it all over again tomorrow.
no rest for the wicked, i guess. and apparently i'm totally fucking wicked.
2008 16 July :: 7.32am
I am not married yet. Just so everyone knows.
I want to find a new job soooo bad. I hate it here. I've only been here for 45 mins so far today, haven't seen another soul since we are always so slow, and it seems like I've been here for hours. It may seem like an ok job since I am able to sit here and use my phone to write on woohu but believe me- I would rather have any more stimulating job. Time goes by so slow. We work alone ughh I hate it here.
But I can't start looking for another job because we are so up in the air about moving to florida.
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2008 15 July :: 8.52pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: none
Summer Film Project
i have finished day two of our preproduction preparations to the caledonia location. there's a shit ton of stuff that needs to be done, but at least we're finally getting somewhere.
i'm not doing anything involving audio, as i said before. but i do at least get to do construction stuff, which i'm fairly good at. not like it's rocket science.
but yeah. it's fun. the people are cool to hang with. but it's a lot of work. i mellowed out a lot once i resigned myself to the fact that this is just a really slipshod operation, and that i won't be able to rely on anything. i will do the best i can to make it happen for them, but nobody, not even me, can ask for anything more than that.
and i think i'm doing my part. i certainly have lots of tools down there, and we're making decent progress. i'll keep you guys posted on the happenings as i can, but no promises. it's keeping me plenty busy.
the important thing for you to remember is:
Friday Night - 9PM - at the...
Sazerac Lounge
1418 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI
Be there if you can. although, i believe it's 21+.
call me if you have questions, or shoot me an email. i'll get more info as it becomes available. (like i said, slip-shod).
2008 15 July :: 1.26am
I feel like I'm falling.
2008 14 July :: 11.53am
the shower unfortunetly was a total bust. my mom ruined it all. the entire time she was bossing me and everyone aroung like little children. she didnt even let me open up my own presents. she had some one else do it and then hand it to me. what fucking bitch... its ok though the wedding will be here and over soon then i wont have to deal with her control freakish ways...
i did however attempt to salvage the night and ended up pretty drunk over at jon and cassie's. it was sadly the highlight to my day. but it felt oh soooooo good. :)
i got sooooo much cool stuff, like the kitchenaide mixer i really really wanted.. and all kinds of cook ware and bakeware. tj will be eating god for a long time.
2008 13 July :: 9.56am
wedding shower is today and i am very excited, and pissed at the same time. i am so sick of people who i thought i could depend on let me down. but then i look at my life and realize how wonderful it is and how lucky i am to have all that i have and to have the people around me that love me and that i love very much...ahhh fufillment.
got like 3 hrs of sleep last night sooo this should be interesting.
2008 11 July :: 9.48am
all i have to say is BRING IT ON...
wedding drama in full force and its taking over my life and i want it all t end already but it wont and i need to just grow a pair and deal with it right. i tell yall if i knew it was going to be this hard to begin with i would have just ran off to vegas already but since i have spent all this money already i guess i should go though with it.
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2008 9 July :: 11.54pm
This weekend
so this weekend is my shower, and i really cant wait. i love spending time with all of my friends and my family. i hope that it goes well.
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2008 5 July :: 1.29pm
I'm about to leave for work; it's the last day in my forty hour work week. I have the next three days off.
I didn't get the big scholarship and I'm still waiting to hear on the two smaller ones; but it doesn't matter, anyhow. I'm still going to have to work this school year. Now I'm trying to amass hours so I can qualify for vacation. I have to work at least thirty six hours a week until the 26th. I only have thirty hours next week.
Rueben's been working most nights, I've been working mids. It's hard. I shaved my legs and my ankle is throbbing from the razor cut. Ugh. I have to wear a skirt to work again because it's so warm. I hate wearing a skirt. It makes people treat you different. I don't know how, don't ask for any examples or just does.
Waiting for my phone to charge for a few minutes, then leaving. I'll be at work until 11 tonight. Feel free to stop by and get a price adjustment or a lottery ticket.
I'm impecunious and I can't do anything about it.
[curious now, aren't you.]
2008 3 July :: 1.29am
I got a new phone today.
2008 2 July :: 4.06pm
today has been a day of elightenment.... indeed i have realized people who you thought were friends, who you could count on, that were there through out your life can come and go so quickly. and obviously not in just my own life. its wierd how you graduate high school and try to make something of yourself, while the entire time a person you thought was there for you isnt really, they have a whole group of new friends, they dont even talk to you anymore its sad. i really liked him as a friend but now i realize how much of a p.o.s. friend he really was... god i hate it. i hate writing things that are bad especially now but going over random things in others' life made me realize things in my own and this person let me down as a friend and i hope he can life with it....JERK!
but to all of you who have been good to me, and who are there no matter how bad i get ( and yes i know i can be a bitch, and sometimes mean) i truly thank you for everything...
now that the bitching is out i sent out the wedding invites today... took me a combined total of 5 and a half hours to put them all together. who knew it would take so long? the shower is in a week and a half. im really excited. the girls are coming down and i just want to have a good time....
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2008 2 July :: 11.35am
Omg roman and I went to canada last night with some friends and we got hitched!!!! So now im mrs garcia nice ta meetcha. Lol we are still there woo I love canada. The chapel was gorgous and the carriage ride in my cute summer dress and romans tux was romantic. Our priest told us that he just KNEW we would be together forever. We said our vows and got to ride away afyerwards in a beautiful gondala under a small bridge.
Ro got me a 3 carat diamond he amazes me more and more with each day. It took my breath away! So tomorrow we are working out the details to move to hawaii in our friend rob's aunts old house she is letting us rent for 100 a month. Wow. We are getting a loan for the tickets and leaving in 4 days. Yay im gonna be a badass surfer. The house is 2 stories with a basement newly remodeled everything and they are leaving all the furniture so we don't have to worry. Rob is moving into our apt with danielle so they are taking our lease. Everything is working out so perfectly. God musthave answered our prayers. But I guess I do deserve it. I am a really great person and I never lie or act mean. Everyone knows this. I am never decietful and I treat everyone with respect. I also like to compromise and not be bossy ever. Those are probaly just a few reasons why He's preforming his great miracle on us. While we are down there a couple months from now we are joining a missionary group that robs aunt was a part of and traveling to cambodia to build houses and maybe heal a leper or two. Ha Oh not really but who knows. Roman really suprised me with all these plans but I guess I should just learn to expect greatness from the worlds most perfect, selfless, kind, giving, wonderful, beautiful, nurturing, wonderous, magical, whimsical man on THE PLANET EARTH.
Well we are headed to niagra falls then home so I had better go.
Mrs. Garcia-Wilde
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2008 2 July :: 12.41am
well today is my 21st bday (actually it was yesturdays cause its 12:41) anyways went out to the bar, played pool with tj and had some fun
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2008 1 July :: 8.12pm
No ten thousand dollar scholarship for me.
Now I just get to wait on those other two as I brace myself for another school year working at Meijer and wanting to go crazy.
Well, not wanting...actually going crazy.
I went shopping with my mom and my grandma today; went to valueland and bath and body works and all kinds of fun places.
I picked out a few cute tops and a new suit coat for ceremonies and performances because my old one doesn't fit anymore.
By the way, I've lost 50 pounds in the past year.
2008 1 July :: 5.01pm
:: Mood: peaceful
July 1st.
I was standing in the Warsaw airport at 6am having gone to bed only two hours earlier. I felt sick from getting food poisoned in Ukraine and everything felt very surreal. Rafael, and Prudence watched quietly, Monika gave me an eiffel tower keychain from her recent trip to Paris, Nella smiled and joked in the discrete way that she does, Britt stood anxiously beside me, and my host mom Danka held an American flag. I was feeling nauseous from the food poisoning, but also the added nerves of leaving the country. Daniela smiled at me warmly and lead me to the bathroom where I threw up. As we walked back to the small crowd, she rubbed my back and mothered me. Minutes passed, Britt and I went through the gate, and a strange calmness came over me as we boarded the plane.
It's been one year since I left Poland and my exchange ended. Today the exchange students after me are coming home. The first time I saw them they were timid but excited to start their own exchange and everything about Poland sounded strange. Then I saw one of them when I visited Warsaw six months ago and she knew better Polish than me.
A year later and I'm sitting on a blue couch with glass sliding doors in front of me watching the Aussie sky turn from day to dusk. I have a beautiful girlfriend, an awesome cat, and I wash dogs for a living. A lot of things can change in a year. A lot of things changed for the year I was in Poland. But right now, things are starting to feel more stable. I have the person I want to spend my life with, we have a place to live, and we're building a savings account. We've got the simple things down; it's just the future that remains unknown. But that's ok.
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2008 30 June :: 10.03pm
:: Music: Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
I certainly haven't been shopping for any new shoes
I certainly haven't been spreading myself around
I still only travel by foot and by foot, it's a slow climb,
But I'm good at being uncomfortable, so
I can't stop changing all the time
I notice that my opponent is always on the go
Won't go slow, so's not to focus, and I notice
He'll hitch a ride with any guide, as long as
They go fast from whence he came
- But he's no good at being uncomfortable, so
He can't stop staying exactly the same
If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me, or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine
I seem to you to seek a new disaster every day
You deem me due to clean my view and be at peace and lay
I mean to prove I mean to move in my own way, and say,
I've been getting along for long before you came into the play
I am the baby of the family, it happens, so
- Everybody cares and wears the sheeps' clothes
While they chaperone
Curious, you looking down your nose at me, while you appease
- Courteous, to try and help - but let me set your
Mind at ease
-Do I so worry you, you need to hurry to my side?
-It's very kind
But it's to no avail; I don't want the bail
I promise you, everything will be just fine
If there was a better way to go then it would find me
I can't help it, the road just rolls out behind me
Be kind to me, or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine
2008 30 June :: 10.03pm
Why can't we just be friends?
2008 30 June :: 8.26am
Today is the day they notify the recipients of the ten thousand dollar scholarship.
oh hell.
2008 29 June :: 2.45pm
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2008 29 June :: 12.51pm
I don't know why bc I have not always felt this way but lately I am like obsessing about getting a tattoo. I really really want one. I know for sure I would get one if I was skinnier but right now im not sure. Ugh its driving me nuts tho I really think I want one
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2008 29 June :: 10.59am
Well had to get up at 6 again to drive in the rain to ameeting an hour away in spring lake and now here I am at work. Thank god for my new phone with internet. I ws so tired on the drive there and back I was completly almost sleeping my eyes refuused to stay open. In any other circumstances I would have pilled over and rested but if I miss the meeting I get taken off the schedule for a month and if ii miss work I get fired. Grrrrr.
Today I am just going to take some time for me when I get out of work at 3. Gotta go to the mall to return something and buy some shorts. I still have to work the next 3 days but im gonna try to make the best of today. Lately everything has been sooo stressful I can hardly take it. I might quit the jw ..well no prob not but I might just try to set a schedule with them. Im tired and I just want to enjoy summer and the break from school while I have it and so far I have not been able to do that at all.
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