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:: 2009 16 May :: 3.11am

Also, I now demand to be referred to as M.C. Creeper

that is all

4 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 16 May :: 3.03am

I am so about Commander Spock

Doc McCoy was also kick ass.



:: 2009 14 May :: 12.56pm


2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 13 May :: 6.41pm

Real Fark Headline

"Man hits pedestrian at Home Depot and runs down a state trooper before leaving the lot. Hits a van, backs up and hits it again. Drives off screaming "WOO HOO" as he strikes several vehicles before crashing head-on with a semi. TA-DA"

Full Story

1 ::..So what? | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 13 May :: 2.55am

Everything burns, especially the world.



:: 2009 12 May :: 6.14pm

Nostalgic of the GRCC days



:: 2009 11 May :: 9.28pm


eta* retracted.



:: 2009 9 May :: 10.15pm

sooooooooooooooooo booooooorrrreeeeed.

1 ::..So what? | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 9 May :: 3.28pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie- Cath...

Soon everybody will ask what became of you...
pretty boring day today. Paul is at football camp, so I am making homemade bagels and doing laundry... just call me Martha. Except I just burnt my hand and it's starting to blister...

obligatory kitty picture.

4 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 9 May :: 2.58am

Dear Mishy,
I know how much you like "Jizz in My Pants" and when I saw this I thought of you.

6 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 9 May :: 2.14am

i need to go to sleep.



2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 7 May :: 3.14am

I woke the same as every other day except a voice was in my head.
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads.



:: 2009 6 May :: 6.16pm

OSI's Finest



:: 2009 5 May :: 7.44pm

"Here's the thing, Barney: I'm snuggly. You're not. Who wouldn't want to snuggle up next to this business on a Sunday morning? Wrapped in a comforter, and its raining outsode, and there's muffins warming in the oven... I'm cuddly, bitch! Deal with it!"

"Oh, Fran. Oh Franny Franny Fran. We are gonna have some fun."

"This circle... represents people who are breaking my heart. And this circle, represents people who are shaking my confidence daily. And where they overlap...Cecilia."

"This is a pie chart, describing my favorite bars. And this is a bar graph, describing my favorite pies!"

"What the hell happened to my charts?"
"We threw them away."
"That's how an intervention works, Marshall... You wouldn't stop using, so we flushed your stash."
"C'mon, Ted... I need my charts, man! Just for a day... and then I promise I'll never ever use charts again! I'm under a lot of pressure here, I NEED MY CHARTS, JACK!"
"God, you're doing charts at work??"

2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 5 May :: 3.40am

Today I got jumped on Clearwater beach. Wow. How about that.

5 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 1 May :: 5.52pm

so today roxy got into my purse which had a chocolate bar in it from last night when we went to the movies and i bought one! it was opened cuz i didn't finish it and i was hanging up clothes in my room when i came out she was chowing down on the chocolate. I went to take it from her and she about bit my hand off and started growling I had to basicallty throw her across the dang room to get it away from her. but all in all she probably ate a total of an ounce or so but so i call the vet and they tell me that even though that's not much, it could be lethal to her beacuse she is so small (only 6.2 lbs. - shes a chihuahua) and so i freak out and they tell me i have to go buy hydrogen peroxide to induce vomitting. so i'm like bawling my eyes out thinking WHAT IF she dies and i rush to the dollar store and buy some and then i have to do soemthing i wish i never had to do and seriously pour this "poison" down her throat-- okay i know it's not poison but who wants to give hydrogen peroxide to their baby and MAKE them vomit???? so i had to lock her and i in the kitchen and Paris, my other dog, is just looking at us like what the heck is going on? and i'm just sitting there waiting for her to get sick and crying my eyes out saying "I'm so sorry baby i'm so sorry" she finally starts vomitting after about 4 minutes of just being unsuspecting and looking at me like "why did you give me that gross stuff mommy?" and then all of sudden its like oh yeah because you're trying to kill me!!! and she starts puking all in all like 5 times! and she is so tiny so its so hard to watch her walking around wondering why she's throwing up... wondering what is going on whats happening to her... shes probably did not understand at all because shes i think puked maybe once before and hardly at all. and this puking was a LOT for this tiny little creature. but luckily she barfed it pretty much all up but then i called the vet to see what to do next cuz i was still really worried and she told me to keep on eye on her (obviously) and her heartrate so then i'm sitting there trying to count her heart beats per mminute which is hard when its hard to even feel it and then she keeps moving and so i just let her sleep and then a few minutes later i pick her up and it seems like her heart is beating so fast which there was no reason for that since she was sleeping and so then i start to worry again and this whole time i've been googling on the situation and so that is panicking me even more and so i call the animal hospital by my hosue and ask if i can just bring her in and they say yes and long story short they said shes fine just keep an eye on her and i have to give her special bland food- and not feed her til late tonight cuz she needs to make sure all the chocholoate is out so thats pretty much it but ughghghg my baby i'm just glad shes ok!

4 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 1 May :: 5.43pm

just pulled my purple adios out of retirement

5 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 2 May :: 1.17am


1 ::..So what? | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 1 May :: 12.10am

Hahahaha karma is awesome, or I guess from yout perspective, karma's a bitch. Hahaha!



:: 2009 1 May :: 12.10am

Hahahaha karma is awesome, or I guess from yout perspective, karma's a bitch. Hahaha!

2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 30 April :: 10.23pm

I feel so alone.

2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 30 April :: 9.30pm
:: Music: Kings of Leon- Use Somebody

off in the night/ while you live it up/ i'm off to sleep...
i've been roaming around
always looking down at all i see
painted faces fill the places i can't reach

you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you

and all you know
and how you speak
countless lovers undercover of the street

you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you

off in the night,
while you live it up, i'm off to sleep
waging war to shake the poet and the beat

i hope it's gonna make you notice
i hope it's gonna make you notice
someone like me
someone like me
someone like me

go and let it out
someone like you
someone like you
someone like you

i've been roaming around
always looking down at all i see



:: 2009 29 April :: 1.17pm

I have the weekend off! Let's party and watch hockey and get CRUNKED!



:: 2009 29 April :: 2.34am

I feel a pleasant surge of recklessness, temporal insanity in all it's wonders



:: 2009 27 April :: 7.57pm
:: Music: Matt Giraud- You Found Me ;)

Where were you, when everything was falling apart?/ All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang/ And all I needed was a call that never came...
i am sick and a little bit sad
really hope i'm not coming down with swine flu.

i might have a television hangover tomorrow.



:: 2009 27 April :: 1.59pm

Oh my gosh I am watching wedding shows and tearing up like crazy at every little thing- imy shower was yesterday and it was a total blast, stef did sucha good job planning and executing it I am so so so so excited for our wedding ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yay roman I love you I can't wait

2 ::..So what?..:: | ::Yessa..::


:: 2009 25 April :: 3.04am

Insight from Batman and Alfred, two of my favorite people.

I want to be more than a man, I want to be a symbol. I want to be uncorruptable and stand for things, do what a hero can't and be the bad guy when it's needed.

I am the bat, the night is mine.



:: 2009 24 April :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Erin McCarly- Love, Save the Empty

Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls/ Mama didn't teach me/ Little boys don't know how to treat little girls/ Daddy didn't show me...
lots of weekend plans... now through mid summer.



:: 2008 17 February :: 1.38am
:: Mood: blah

So, one more regular week left of school and then final exam week. A million papers due and a few exams.

Wednesday afternoon at work I realized that my right lower gum behind my wisdom tooth was hurting. Thursday it started to swell and by this morning it became bigger than my wisdom tooth. I called around to a few dentists in Mt. Pleasant because it hurt like a bitch and ended up going to the hospital to ready care. They gave me a script for some antibiotics, and antiinflammitory, and some prescription ibruprofen. On my way to Meijer to pick it up I realized that it was getting smaller and that my stomach hurt. I'm pretty sure I swallowed some nasty stuff that was in the huge inflamed bump. Gross. I came home, took the drugs, ate some ice cream and mashed potatoes and took a two hour nap. I'm still quite drowsy.

That's my grand adventure for the day. Au Revoir.



:: 2009 22 April :: 6.44pm

wow havent been here in a while, things are going good. we moved! yes we moved to a duplex down the road and we are loving it. there is so much more room and now he has a garage to occupy his time.

healthy again, at least for now, we will find out on monday what the chances of having another baby are and we will go from there.

work has been creative to say the least. Been taking on more responsibilites and having to deal with the snot nosed brats at work is making me all stressed but thats what work does and i may just deal with it.

finally got rid of princess, she found a wonderful home witha family in fort wayne, im so glad i was able to help her, i am also looking at getting something part time with animal control, mainly animal rescue so thats exciting!

1 ::..So what? | ::Yessa..::

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