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[v.5-6] [Scissors]

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:: 2008 9 June :: 7.33pm

people are so nice these days

I'm glad I have the chance to have assholes insult me all the time


2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 7 June :: 1.09pm

Why I am voting for Barack Obama:

Also: news media = retarded.

I love you all.

P.S. Keep an eye out for the appreciative pat!

4 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 4 June :: 1.33am

Katti and I might have dyed my hair on Sunday

We didn't get enough dye and I didn't bleach my hair so it's more pink than I thought it'd be.

This is the color:

None of the people at work like it except Ashley, Celee and Leann.

My family has yet to see it.

I love you all.

2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 3 June :: 8.45pm

two hours tomorrow
and i'm done.

it hasn't hit me yet.

2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 29 May :: 6.53pm

three and a half days until high school is behind me

2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse

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