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:: 2008 21 May :: 12.47pm

I am officially jobless. I gave my job to Joe because I thought that these people were hiring me and then they decided to "go with family". I have the worst luck EVER. Well, I have two one day a week babysitting jobs but that is CLEARLY not going to be enough to hold me over considering I have to pay bills, even though Joe is going to give me money for that. I need to start looking for a job.

Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 19 May :: 10.14pm

So. Season finales for shows this season? Kind of very lame.

The season finale of Bones is stricken from my world. Like the last Harry Potter book, it never happened.

And House? Really? I didn't like her but...really?

The Office was better than the last couple episodes. But Jim and Pam were supposed to get engaged! I was upset. Until the very end.

Anyway, lame.

I am ill and hoping to recover tomorrow so I can go to work but I am feeling completely awful. I am going to have to go to work and just be useless I guess.

I want a milkshake.


I love you all.

P.S. IRL, life has been lame. Father of kid who used to work with us died. Father of blogger I like is really sick. Laura is gone and I really need her.

P.P.S Oh and I am a bridesmaid now. Which is not lame but awesome. Pumped, I am.

I'm gonna go be sick now. hearts.

2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 17 May :: 2.49pm

This is what communism does to people. Freedom would never give them enough time to do this.

1 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 14 May :: 8.09pm

I went to see Obama with Dad and Hannah.

John Edwards guest starred as Obama Endorser.

It was awesome.


Totally jaded now though because those signs? Behind him? The handwritten ones like Women for Obama? Plants. The dude handed them out like an hour before Obama came out. And showed them how to cheer etc.

2 Ways To | Cut a Corpse


:: 2008 14 May :: 6.04am

It feels good to conquer what you're battling.

Now all I have left to fight is Jeff Reyburn's College Prep English class.

1 Ways To | Cut a Corpse

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