2008 13 February :: 11.19pm
My icon journal is pretty dead since I don't remember my password and greatestjournal doesn't host pics anymore. I guess it's fine since I can put them on flickr or whatever but I have to get them off greatestjournal and right now I just don't have time. And I can't remember my password so I can't edit the entries.
Sorry, peeps.
If my password ever comes back to me, I'm going to make it my photoblog. I've tried every password I've ever used so it must be one I just used for that journal. Aidez-moi, y'all!
I am watching the last episode of Project Runway before Fashion Week. I shamelessly love this show.
I love you all.
P.S. "Image Hosting: This feature was disabled over a year ago; images that had previously been uploaded have been purged."
So all my icons are gone. Awesome. I don't even know if they're still on my parents' computer. If you have any of the icons I made, it'd be cool if you could email me a copy ( That'd be great.
This kind of upsets me. I'm just going to remember my password, move on and make it a photoblog.
5 Ways To |
Cut a Corpse
2008 12 February :: 12.12am
Every time I do my laundry at midnight I think "hmm maybe I shouldn't be running the abnormally loud washing machine at midnight" but then I remember that ABG has come running up here and complained to us about everything we do so if he has a problem, I'm sure he'll let us know.
Since Nick doesn't get home until nine, I usually don't end up doing much housework until after ten. This includes vacuuming. I always feel very conscious of any noise I make after nine, the unofficial "quiet time," especially since our apartment building is usually extremely quiet.
I am writing a page for Humanities tomorrow but I think I'll go take a shower and call it good until tomorrow.
1 Ways To |
Cut a Corpse
2008 10 February :: 7.16pm
I love when people who don't have kids but only watch (babysit/daycare) or teach them talk about how kids act or how they should behave. Like those 3-8 hours are representative of how the child is. Or how the parent raises them.
It disgusts me. Especially when they are basing their judgments on a TV show that has been edited to only show certain parts. So when one kid hits the other one, the kids beat on each other all the time. And when the parents are crabby during one episode, they're overbearing tyrants.
Seriously, people? This is all you have to do? You just sit in front of the TV watching this one show and then go online and complain about the half hour of parenting you see these people, the people you don't even KNOW or have even ever MET, do on ONE DAY?
The world is kind of disgusting me today. Also, Mitt Romney says if the democrats win, the terrorists win. I'm kind of tiring of hearing about the terrorists winning because of the opposite political party. This fear mongering shit is getting old, people. The sad thing is that it works on some people. Those same people are probably really excited for Larry the Cable Guy in Witness Protection.
4 Ways To |
Cut a Corpse
2008 9 February :: 2.42pm
The only role I can stand Julia Roberts in seems to be Tinkerbell in Hook. She's not grumpy, at some points she's smiling and moving her arms. She has a different look on her face than that same look she has in every other movie she's in.
That same look:Read more..
1 Ways To |
Cut a Corpse
2008 6 February :: 5.16pm
c/o - awesome blog btw

2 Ways To |
Cut a Corpse