2004 13 May :: 9.18 pm
Well, I haven't updated in a while, so I figured what the hell.
My script is coming along very nicely, I've completed episodes 1 and 3, and I'm pounding through 2 and 5, while still planning out episode 13 (the whole thing is out of order so I figured I may as well work on the episodes out of order as well)
A few days ago I actually resumed my second novel (which I have deemed project #2), but I'm pretty much ready to permenantly ditch my first script (deemed project #3). I've been looking over what I've written in my first novel (project #1), and I'm really not sure I can save it. It really is far more unfocused and weak than I had initially intended, and some of the dialogue is more ridiculous than that of a Kung-Fu film.
So, essentially, I seem to be focusing on projects 2 and 5 (5 being the script I mentioned earlier in which I have all the random out of order episodes). I just wish I did not have to worry so much about school at the moment. I keep getting these wonderful ideas for various pieces of character development or good deep plot twists and metaphors, but then my teacher will hit me with a plethora of notes, and suddenly I have no choice but to copy them down and, in the process, forget what I was writing. I really cannot even count how many times that has happened in Spanish 3 lately...
I went to that Last Samurai presentation today. It was pretty interesting, once he got through the horrendously long history section (imagine listening to a japanese man with mediocre english talk about the history of Japan and a key figure in its history with excruciating while being confined to one of those comfy little seats in the LGI). Overall I definitely enjoyed it, though now, as tired as I am, I'm beginning to think that perhaps falling asleep during the history portion may have been a good idea.
I have finally managed to get my new (though it really isn't anymore) computer set up at my desk. Yes that's right, after having a computer since christmas I finally have it completely set up and on my desk. I can't believe how much nicer a 56k modem is than my old 20k (gasp! I can actually listen to music online now! And *double gasp!* I can download things before the apocolypse comes!).
Well, that is somewhat of the gist of what has been happening with me. Not particularly fascinating, I know, but it is better than nothing, right?
Va con dios mis amigos buenos.
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2004 24 April :: 11.09 pm
:: Mood: a notch below ecstatic
Well, I've had one hell of a nice day. Actually it started off pretty boring, mostly consisting of chores. Then Tracey and I decided to go squirrel fishing (dangle a nut (or in our case a pretzel) from a tree using fishing line, and then yank a squirrel off the ground when it decides to bite) in a rather nice park(the name of which I can't really recall at the moment). Naturally we soon caught a fanged freak of a squirrel with a bloody tail (ask Tracey if you want more details), and then decided to just call it a day (I mean really, how can you beat a fanged freak squirrel?). So we just walked around the park for a while, when we suddenly heard the distinct sound of bagpipes in the distance. We followed the sound and soon found a bagpiper standing on a picnic table in a shelter on the top of a hill(playing rather well I might add). It was rather lovely, sitting there admiring the piper's skills while also admiring the view of the park from atop the hill. It was rather amusing afterwards when Tracey and I happened to encounter the piper sitting on a bridge talking with (I assume) his girlfriend later on while we were walking through the park. Apparently I hadn't managed to get a good look of him as he had numerous piercings, and sort of braided mohawk kind of hairstyle. The best part, however, was when he greeted us and asked if we had any smokes on us. I nodded and gave him one (no not really, don't worry, I'm justing messing around :).
Afterwards, on the way home, we also encountered someone driving a car with a freemason's liscense plate. It was hilarious, at first I recognized the symbol, and I said "wow that looks like the freemasons symbol." Then Tracey just kind of went "umm" and when I got closer to the car's rear I realized that it said Freemasonry on the back and we both said "IT IS!"
Yeah, there was some other stuff that happened today. Maybe I'll talk about it tomarrow...
...but really this has been one hell of an excellent day. I would even almost go so far as to say it boardered on living out Fooly Cooly. (speaking of which that should be starting in little more than a half hour on adult swim, I highly recommend it to anyone who claims to be an anime fan(it's by far my favorite^_^))
Well, I hope everyone's life has been as pleasurable as mine was today.(unfortunately by glimpsing the journals, this appears to be of a low likely-hood...)
Van con Dios mis amigos buenos!
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2004 18 April :: 11.19 pm
:: Mood: pretty happy for once
Ah, 'tis a beautiful night out tonight...
..I've opened all the windows in the house just to hear the wind flowing through the trees...
...it kind of reminds me of the ocean in a way...
There hasn't been a whole lot happening in my life lately. I've been alone in the house all weekend. It's been fairly fun, though dismally lonely at the same time...
I watched episodes 3 and 4 of FLCL three times in a row earlier in order to get myself out of a small bought of depression that struck me. It's funny how well that works on me. I definitely need to buy the other four episodes sometime. Ugh, if only they didn't cost $30 a dvd (and there are only two eps per disc). Ah well though, they are worth it.
I'm currently debating whether or not to try and pull an all-nighter. I probably won't, but I'm definitely considering it. If only because I can. It really wouldn't be a good idea though, particularly since I have to drive tomarrow.
Wow, the wind is really blowing hard. I hope it storms tonight and tomarrow. The recent storms have been wonderful. Though I wish they had came in the day and not the middle of the night.
Well, I'm going to leave now. if any of you read this before the night is over, then I wish you a wonderful night, and shall see you tomarrow. Elseways, I simply hope you have a magnificent day.
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2004 6 April :: 6.43 pm
:: Mood: content
Hola everyone. There really isn't anything big happening in my life right now, but I figured I may as well update anyways since I really haven't anything better to do.
I've been playing Fatal Frame II quite a bit over the past three days. It's really quite awesome, and definitely beats the living
5h!t out of the first Fatal Frame.
I haven't written any more of my script since Tuesday (it appears most difficult to find any kind of inspiration when you spend 90% of your time in your room). I still have plenty of idead though, and I'll probably add to it tonight. (by the way, I'm currently working on ep. 3, if you were wondering).
Elseways, I really have nothing of any degree of importance to say at the moment (if you even considered what I wrote above at all important). So, for now, farewell, and may your spring break be jubilant and long.
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2004 18 March :: 10.07 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Hellsing soundtrack (it's still stuck in my bloody head from the weekend)
Well, my script is really coming along nicely right now...
...Oh, yeah, I probably haven't told everyone about the script I've been writing. Well, unfortunately I don't have the time to type out a synopsis right now(damn you parental controls!!!), but all you really need to know is I've been working on the script for a small series, just because it's easier for me to write a script than anything else.
...Anyways, I've managed to complete the first episode, I've made a good dent in the 13th, and I managed to plan out exactly what is going to happen and how it's going to be structured.
I find it rather funny though, I've managed to write at least 20 minutes worth of script in my 2nd hour class (dear lord spanish 3 is pointless).
Otherwise, there hasn't been a great deal happening in my life as of late, oh, well my dad did get food poisoning and wound up puking all over the car, and my grandpa had an acute stroke (but I guess he's alright now...), but other than that, I can't really think of anything interesting.
Van con dios mis amigos!
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2004 15 March :: 10.03 pm
:: Mood: ermmm... pick one...
:: Music: Hellsing
haha, I bet you all thought I was gone from this site forever! If you even did think about it....
...ah, but I finally remembered to update the damn thing...
There hasn't been a whole lot happening in my life lately. I've been watching Hellsing over and over again (damn it's good). I went to the college fair, it really wasn't anything special...
...ah, and I apparently online have a few minutes left before my computer kicks me off the internet.
Farewell everyone
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2003 20 December :: 8.18 pm
:: Mood: I might say extremely happy, but I do not think th
:: Music: random techno song #4634664B
What happened between now and my last entry months ago
Alright, I'm incredibly sorry I haven't posted in half an eternity, but I fully intend to make up for it with a complete summary. Actually I haven't a clue were to begin, so I'll just pick out a few highlights from this last week.
As the vast majority of you know, my birthday was yesterday. For presents, other than those that you all gave me(muchas gracias to all who did, though you really didn't have to...), I got my PS2 back (my eyes have already gone bloodshot), The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time(awesome, like Ico on steroids in the middle east), and loads of cash from all my relatives(nice, though I find it interesting that no one in my family was able to come up with an idea for a gift...).
To let all of you know who haven't heard already, I am now going out with Ashley. Kind of came out of nowhere, didn't it?
Today we celebrated my birthday in my family by going to see LOTR: ROTK, which was at least ten times better than the first two movies combined. And might I add, the original Star Wars trilogy has now been put to shame.
Later on we went to mongolian barbeque. I ate until I felt ready to spew chunks of squid, lamb, and beef everywhere...
Last weekend I had my wisdom teeth pulled, as I'm sure you've all heard. I've recovered by now, though my jaw is still a bit stiff, and the stiches are still bothering me...
I had to tape myself giving a speech in Speech class. It was really weird watching myself. I didn't even look like what I thought I did. I felt like I was watching a stranger I had known for all my life, but whom I had never met...
Well, I know I skipped over quite a bit, but I'm going to have to stop fairly soon...
well, I hope you all feel as excellent as I do.
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2003 10 November :: 9.13 pm
:: Mood: content
Well, I haven't updated in quite a while so I figured I may as well do it now.
I've been working quite a bit on my random philosophies lately. I think I'll have an entire book's worth fairly soon. Unfortunately though, I've been somewhat lacking in drive to work on my novels...
...in fact, I've nearly forgotten abou them. I'll have to work on them as soon as I get the time, and inspiration to.
I'm feeling rather well at the moment. Don't ask why, as I really would rather not spoil the feeling by trying to explain it.
Oh, by the way, could everyone please stop calling me god? I am really quite flattered that you would assosciate myself with the great diety, but am afraid I must decline the name.
However, for those of you who might be worrying, the other names are still perfectly acceptable, including: Brad, Brett Bretterson, Mongo(try to limit this one though, alright?), Mufasa, James Earl Jones, Barry WHITE, bearded brad(yes, a few people do call me that...), medatron(or however you spell that), and the great secret stealing ninja...
...you know, I remember last year when I was wondering if I would ever have any nicknames...
...my how things change with time...
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2003 28 October :: 5.22 pm
:: Mood: benevolent
Just about two seconds ago it was really calm and quiet outside. Then all of the sudden, there's a flash of lightning, the crack of thunder, the sound of rain pattering on the roof of my house, and finally the tinkling of sleet/hail striking the house in great frequency....
So right now I'm enjoying the storm, with my perpetually frightened dog sitting on my lap, as I type my first entry in, I think nearly 24 days. OOO, that lightening sure is getting close...
My dog is about ready to lose it I think, she keeps shifting around nervously...
...and now she's sitting on the keyboard...
There really have not been any significant developments in my life. In english class today I had an opportunity to show off the deep voice by reading a story to the class. People kept calling me Mufasa, and a few of them said it sounded like god was reading in class...
...okay, my dog is now standing on my lap. Not very comfortable...
...In any case, I've got a project to do for english. (I get to watch a movie and analyze the product placement:) So I better get going...
Va con dios mis amigos!
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2003 4 October :: 3.33 am
:: Mood: amused
Interesting, right now there are 3 members online, and 44 guests....
Well, I think I had something good to say, but I've been drifting in and out of sleep for the past two hours, so naturally I'm just a little bit out of it.
I saw the School of Rock, well I suppose now it would be yesterday. It was hilarious. I recommend that everyone who even remotely likes Jack Black see it as soon as possible.
I guess, that's really all I have to say at the moment. I'm sure I'll remember more tomarrow, so, until then:
Va con dios
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2003 24 September :: 10.54 pm
:: Mood: Benevolent
I feel really good today. I'm not quite sure why. I've had better days in which I've felt much worse.
Yesterday my dad decided to randomly buy me car, and today it just arrived. It's a black 1996 Saturn SL1, and in rather good condition. Now I just need a license, and I'll be all set...
Other than that, very little has been happening as of late. Oh, a little secret In case any of you are wondering, I know who the ruler of The Parched Eyes really is....
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2003 15 September :: 8.36 pm
:: Mood: *Yawn* huh what?
:: Music: *snores*
I'm feeling...
...just a little...
...maybe slightly...
...perhaps a bit...
Alright, so right now I'm incredibly tired. I fell asleep for about a half-hour reading Uncle Tom's Cabin(I swear this is the best book you could possibly read when you want to fall asleep, and I recommend it to any and all insomniacs). Other than that, there hasn't been to much going on, at least nothing I can remember while I'm still half asleep...
Va con Dios mi amigos!
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2003 14 September :: 11.21 am
:: Mood: Benevolent
I meant to post this last night, but, unfortunately, I did not have the time to.
First off, sorry I couldn't make it Rachel, I really wanted to come, but
would have been too preoccupied with my migraine to really be any fun anyways.
Elsewise, life has been wonderful for me lately. Everything just appears
to fit perfectly. I can't really name anything about my life that I have
not found to be ultimately good. It may sound kind of weird, but I think I've
finally realized how to see the good in anything. I've always been a realist
not an optimist, but now It appears to me that in reality for every
negative there is always at least one greater postive.
Anyways, I just thought I would say something postive for once...
As for an actual concrete update on my life, there hasn't been a whole
lot happening. I've been planning out a good deal of my novel, It's
far from being finished, but what I do have I feel very proud of, and
if I manage to properly write what I have been planning, then I do believe
it will be an excellent piece. Of course You will probably have to wait until the year
3002 (no I'm not being dyslexic) comes around....
As I briefly mentioned earlier, yesterday I had a migraine. It was actually
not too horrible at first, this time I only went halfway blind, and I
didn't get any numbness. (Yeah, I know, that sounds pretty bad, but trust
me that's nothing compared to a few other migraines I've had...). Oh
and by the way, in accordance with my above stated observation, there
was a very nice positive to it, although I'm afraid I cannot say what
it was yet. Maybe another time though...
Otherwise I've been fairly bored lately. I wish I could have met up
with Rachel, Ben, and Nick, last night, but I'm sure they had fun anyways, and I'm
not so poorly off here either. I've pretty much been spending the majority
of my weekend hanging out on the web, usually checking woohu, or Ray's site,
both of which appear to be fairly desolate at the moment...
Well, that's all for now, I'm going to try to work on my story a bit more...
Va con Dios mi amigos!
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2003 13 September :: 4.57 pm

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
How Ironic....
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2003 25 August :: 8.16 pm
Alright, well it looks like it's my turn to write about my first day in school as a Junior. It was pretty good overall, but, well you'll see...
1. Pre-Calc: This class actually doesn't look half bad. Rinehart kind of reminds me of my own father (both have tendency to ramble on and on about the importance of mathematics), so I was used to his style of lecture, and managed to easily stay awake the whole class. As an added bonus this happens to be the first class I've had with Kyle since 4th grade.
2. AP U.S. History: OOoooOOOo A challenge...
Let's see:
-no homework (yes!)
-taking notes off of lectures instead of the book (finally!)
-no stupid worksheets(hallelujah!)
-and no projects(*sings and dances like a one legged duck, while cheering*)
Sounds pretty nice to me.
3. Spanish 3: Alas no one I really know here, as usual. Looks like it will be fun, but I was hungry, and my focus wavered too much for me to really get a feel for the class.
4. Speech 1: *Snores loudly*...
"huh, what? Oh, a name scavanger hunt with people I don't know, wonderful..." *head slams back on desk, snores continue*
5. Chemistry 1: Why, oh why didn't I take honors!? *mimics teacher* "alright class, today we'll start with unit conversions. remember the different metric system prefixes." *snores again* "Brett, how does this go?" *answering in sleep* "1,000 meters in a kilometer" *snores again*
"Exactly Brett." My teacher wasn't actually too bad, but there is still no one I know in the class, and we're still starting off with the stupid metric system conversions.
6th English 11: Well, at least my teacher seems to be good. The students don't look too bad either, but YET AGAIN, no one I really know...
So all in all, a good day, just with a lot of long boring classes, in which I have no one to talk to...
maybe I'll have see some of you in my classes next semester...
probably not...
At least I'm not alone during lunch anymore...
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