2006 28 April :: 5.24pm
It's Friday!
Today my sister has her choir dinner theatre. I'm excited. She said the choreography is horrid so I'm looking forward to laughing with her. Or at her. Ha ha. She's a good sport.
I am hot. Wink wink, nudge nudge. It is very warm and beautiful outside. I am excited for spring. However, I am quite distraught because all the trees in my yard are the only kind of trees that don't have leaves on them right now.
The kids who're in France right now are coming back on the 28th of May. So it looks like I will be gone for 5 months. I'm going to France! Sometimes I forget all about it and it just surprises me. I am scared shitless. I will be GOING TO SCHOOL in a FOREIGN COUNTRY where all the classes will be taught in a language OTHER THAN THE ONE I HAVE BEEN SPEAKING SINCE BIRTH and one that I have FIVE YEARS of experience in. Yeah, I'm freaked out.
I have exams next week and then I am done with my first year of college. Excitement!
I love you all.
P.S. Jessa, now I see what you mean about his family. She's being a poopyhead and you should just kill kick her. I was going to leave her a nasty message but that wouldn't be nice. I'm trying to resist the temptation.
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2006 28 April :: 10.49am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Grateful Dead
So my roommate woke me up at like 8:00 this morning. She went to a party last night and came back at....some time. I'm not sure when. But I went back to sleep right away until she started talking on her cell phone. Apparently she lost her pants??? or something. I don't even want to know. But anyway she was calling her friends trying to solve the mystery of the missing pants and then our neighbor comes in and looks under the bed and stuff. Oh they were both still drunk by the way. So then eventually she wised up and realized she's useless when she's drunk and isn't gonna find her pants. So then she went to sleep. And I tried to. But then her alarm went off at like 8:30 and she slept thru it and I was too irritated to turn it off. So I just got up cause there was no way I was getting back to sleep. So now I'm exhausted and trying to do homework in the library.
It's still not as bad as the time she woke me up ON PURPOSE at 4 in the morning cause she wanted to know if I loved her. Say what you will about weed, at least it doesn't make me fucking rude.
PS I actually like my roommate I just hate it when she wakes me up when she's drunk. I'm rambling now so I think I'll go.
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2006 26 April :: 10.25pm
I'm pretty sure iPods die after about a year.
Mine needs wiped and reset but I'd like to get my music off first.
Pretty please, Julio.
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2006 25 April :: 6.56pm
Looking at Crimethinc. maps makes me dizzy.
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2006 25 April :: 8.58am
The car poem
she being Brand
-new;and you
know consequently a
little stiff i was
careful of her and(having
thoroughly oiled the universal
joint tested my gas felt of
her radiator made sure her springs were O.
K.)i went right to it flooded-the-carburetor cranked her
up,slipped the
clutch(and then somehow got into reverse she
kicked what
the hell)next
minute i was back in neutral tried and
again slo-wly;bare,ly nudg. ing(my
lev-er Right-
oh and her gears being in
A 1 shape passed
from low through
second-in-to-high like
greasedlightning)just as we turned the corner of Divinity
avenue i touched the accelerator and give
her the juice,good
was the first ride and believe i we was
happy to see how nice she acted right up to
the last minute coming back down by the Public
Gardens i slammed on
brakes Bothatonce and
brought allofher tremB
to a:dead.
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2006 23 April :: 3.24pm
:: Music: anchorman
"Fare thee well Baxter, you will always be a friend of the bears."
"I will lick you in front of everyone to show my joy!"
"I drank a lava lamp. It wasn't lava."
"The named it San Diego, which in German means a whale's vagina."
Buahahahahaha! I love Anchorman. That is all.
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2006 23 April :: 9.57am
Yeah. Definitely growing my hair out.
This is the second time my father has called me by my brother's name/nicknames.
In my defense, he wasn't wearing his glasses.
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2006 22 April :: 6.57pm
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
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2006 21 April :: 4.21pm
So I've had roughly 6 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. Because I've been spending every spare moment writing a huge term paper. But I'm finally done with it. I probly bitched about it earlier this week. I don't remember. Well actually yesterday my hippy environmentalist group had an earth day shindig. And my hippy peace group was there with a tie dye booth. So I spent all day helping people tie dye. On 0 hours of sleep. Exciting shit. I pretty much met every hippy in Isabella County.
But the trippiest thing was......I've decided not to tell lest I jinx it. So you'll have to ask me later :D
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2006 20 April :: 6.04pm
Today has been one of the trippiest days of my life. Ironically, its 4/20 and no drugs were involved. Details to follow when I have time and if I remember.
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2006 20 April :: 10.05am
For all you complete and total dorks out there:
There is an airport in Paris, France called Orly. I'm not even kidding.
Now try to tell me you still don't want to go to France.
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2006 19 April :: 8.03pm
I hate being sick.
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2006 19 April :: 5.38pm
So my paper that I spend all fucking night working on didn't save. I'm so fucked. I'm going to go cry now and try to remember what I wrote.
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2006 19 April :: 12.49am
Gah! I have a 12 page paper due on friday. I think it might be my downfall. So far I have 2 1/2 pages. So probly I'll be staying up all night tonight, and possibly tomorrow as well, and then thursday I have ANOTHER paper due and also my environmentalist hippy group is having an Earth Day shindig so I'll be doing that ALL FRIGGEN DAY (and also I have yet to make my booth for it) so I won't have time to work on my long ass paper till 6 or 7. But anyway. Thank God for Excedrin. As strong as coffee, and 10 times as cheap.
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2006 16 April :: 11.53pm
Hi friends. I have returned to Central. A little older and a little wiser. I have a question. Does anyone look at one of those music visualizer dealies like the one on windows media player when their not baked? Cause it just not seem likely. Thanks.
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