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:: 2006 28 February :: 9.18pm

Day number something of Spring Break...

I've gone stir-crazy.

Time to find a project, art project, of some sorts.

Any suggestions?


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:: 2006 28 February :: 7.51pm

To whomever came to see me today:

Who are you? My brother only remembers your car.

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:: 2006 28 February :: 4.28pm

So some guy escaped from custody in transport from the jail to the courthouse. They've blocked off a bunch of roads around school and they're searching local businesses around his house. Which is around here.

Last I heard SWAT was raiding the bank at Plymouth and Michigan which is on my way home.

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:: 2006 27 February :: 11.10pm

So my dad called this evening from India, it's already tomorrow over there.

Oh yeah, for those of you who didn't know, my dad's in India on Microsoft business. He left on the 17th or the 18th and is coming back this Sunday.

He's doing well, told me that I'd love the food because it's all vegetarian-like. Mmm...vegetarian-like *drools*

Today he told us a funny story. India is populated with vervet monkeys as well as people (those things are like squirrels, seriously. Zambia has its fair share of them as well). Well this woman was walking, carrying a plastic bag full of stuff. And a monkey decided to climb up her sari, grab the bag, and start looking through it like it was Christmas morning. It found a banana and ate it. And dad (and others), being typical American tourists, didn't help the woman but instead took out their cameras. While the Indians stood and laughed.

Mann, I'm so jealous that dad got to go to India. I've always wanted to go there. And I'd still give my left spleen (or another organ that has a duplicate) to go.

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:: 2006 25 February :: 2.20am

Best quote ever:
"I look at my life and it just seems so depressing that I'm not sure if I was born or if Morrissey sang me into existence."

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:: 2006 24 February :: 7.38pm

Well kids, today I found out that I became a big cousin again on February 2nd.

My hormones and other female organs are screaming "baby!" at me and demanding that I have one immediatly. My brain is lecturing those shrieking things about how it's highly improbably that I'll be the next virgin to give birth. That only comes once every Messiah, I'm sure.

Oh yeah, and I'm back in good ol' Rockford for the next week or so ;p Bwahahaha!

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:: 2006 24 February :: 3.13pm

I'm home. Only 4 more hours till the Psalters!

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:: 2006 23 February :: 2.01pm
:: Mood: exhausted


Only got about 2 hours of sleep last night.

Totally skipping my last two classes because I can't function anymore.

I hate skipping classese but this is a matter of passing out or falling asleep on the spot.

Saddest thing is that I'm forcing myself not to run today until I get some much-needec sleep.

I'm coming home tomorrow in the morning.

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:: 2006 23 February :: 12.56am
:: Music: Black Crowes

oh and also
I met a guy over the weekend who was the cause of much of my bad insomnia-inducing behavior. He doesn't go here which might be a good thing. But he called me today so yeah........I just really really really hope he's not looking for a relationship. Cause that would ruin everything. To tell you the truth I don't know why I'm even posting this. Probably because I have an anthro test I'm putting off studying for.

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:: 2006 22 February :: 3.09pm

To Tracey and Kyle and whoever else was worried about my lack of ride home
The crisis has been averted. I'll be able to skip my class on friday and thus go home with my friend. I'll see you at the concert. Thanks for your help.

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:: 2006 20 February :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: bleh
:: Music: Nena

Coopsie's roomie went MIA for a little while. We were all worried because she hasn't been the most...stable...as of late. Gott sei dank we know where she is now.

In other news I ran again today. I think two miles. Which is good cuz I coulda skipped today cuz I took a nap and slept through dinner...again ^^" Ach, mein calves hurt.

Oh, and I'm coming home on Friday. Yay for Spring Break!

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:: 2006 20 February :: 9.25pm

My baby's eatin'! With a spoon!
Jealousy is watching videos of Clementine, Jessa's baby, and totally being tempted to snatch that thing out of her arms.

I love you, Jessa and I need to hang out with you for real this time so I can steal your child so we can be the best of friends!

P.S. Give me babies. Now.


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:: 2006 19 February :: 4.19pm

Well folks, I've managed to screw up my sleeping times again. Either insomnia or nocturnalness is going to kill me someday, I just know it.

Mann this room is boring at cheese. I really need to find some way to spice it up, make it more live-able. And I should also think about getting breakfast/lunch/dinner at some point in time today. Maybe.

Ah well, five more days and then Spring Break!

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:: 2006 19 February :: 12.35pm
:: Mood: tired

Gah, I got no sleep this weekend. Because I am a bad person. I think I'm going to take a nap now.

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:: 2006 18 February :: 5.36pm

When does everyone have spring break? Mine's the week of the 6th of March.

(I should really be writing my paper.

But it's not due until Wednesday.)

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