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:: 2005 28 October :: 2.09pm

So apparently tomorrow is Homecoming here at Western. Le w00t. I'll totally be missing another football game in favor for going home and scaring people. Mwahahaha!

It's the weekend now!!!! Yay!

My uncle's gonna be picking me up around 5 to go and eat a meal with the cousins and aunt and carve pumpkins. Hee, I love carving pumpkins. Especially the pumpkin guts part.

Tomorrow I'll be getting up earlier than usual to see mah daddeh run. There's a 5K race goin' on. So dad'll get a tour of the campus. Then we'll go home. I'm rather excited.

I'm thinking about never giving Joel back his hat ;p It's too awesome to give up.

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:: 2005 27 October :: 9.25pm

Jabberwocky should be made into a musical. It'd be awesome.

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:: 2005 27 October :: 3.34pm

I'm sick.

Someone should come over and make me soup and baby me.

I love you all.

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:: 2003 30 November :: 10.01pm


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:: 2005 26 October :: 12.01pm

Hello all! Look look look! I'm updating!!!

But yeah, moo. I just had my history midterm, my brain feels like mush ><"

Tara and I aquired sommat last night...take a look!!! Read more..

Blah blah blah, have a nice day! I'll be home on Saturday!

Edit Midnight

So I came back up to the room after being on the computer and looked at Vash. He had died ;_;

So I had a fishy funeral right before going off to math.

Sob. Cry.


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:: 2005 25 October :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: disturbed

Does this scare the shit out of anyone but me?

If so, write a letter. Send it to everyone you can think of. I know I will. So if you guys care but are lazy I'll post the letter here and you can just use that one. But anyway, don't let this pass without a fight. Because this is scary.

[edit 8:24]
I am so behind the times. Apparently this already passed. In May. The changes have to be in effect by May 2008. I'm still writing a letter though.

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:: 2005 23 October :: 11.48pm

Dude, I have towel on my head. It's great just taking a night shower, then my hair won't look too bad tomorrow morning when I go take my history midterm.

This weekend=one of the bestest weekends. Ever. John with an "H" totally yoinked Rachel's gloves and didn't notice until this evening. Tsk tsk tsk. And I fell asleep on John's bed for perhaps 20 minutes. Good times. I watched him play WoW for a while. Damn, it's so addicting even to watch.

Looks like I'm coming home next Saturday. I'll help Rachel with the Forest of Fear or whatever it's called. I will need a ride back down to Western on Sunday, however. Andy has a regatta in Indiana. Blah, I so can't spell. But yeah, I'll pay whoever could help with my love and gas money.

Oh, and Rachel, you left your towel here. I'll bring it back up later ^_^

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:: 2005 22 October :: 5.57pm
:: Music: my ears are ringing.......

"What the hell are you saying?"
So I went on a field trip for my geography class today.
It was one of the surrealest days of my life.
Details to follow...
The last few paragraphs are the most interesting.
Read more..

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:: 2005 22 October :: 3.17pm
:: Mood: kinda tired
:: Music: Noir soundtrack

We didn't get to bed until late last night/this morning. Rachel slept on the futon while Joel and I shared the foof chair. Rachel and Joel are still sleeping, which is okay. Gah, I'm hungry though. Stupid stomach.

Good news, I finally found out the title of this zombie-comedy movie from Germany that I've wanted to see. "Die Nacht der lebenden Loser" The Night of the Living Losers. Hee. I so totally want to see it now.

To take a shower or not to take a shower, that is the question.

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:: 2003 25 November :: 7.29pm

So its definatly rockford homecoming weekend and its definatly the same as every other week to me lol. I swear all ive been doing lately is working and exercizing... the effects are paying off but it gets repetative... but i have to get ready, next year ill be a Army Millitary Police officerfor 2 or 4 years, me recruiter and i still have to talk about that. Anyway, then when i get back I want to be either a police officer or a corrections officer. My friends dad is one so ive been talking to him alot lately and he said when i got out to come talk to him and he could try to get me in. Sooooo hopefully i have my future on track, but i still have alot of work to do, im not going into the army in my current shape, but it already is an improvement, you guys remember a 235 pound ben who could bench about 140 at his peak, now im 195-200 on any given day and i can bench about 165. Soooooo im getting there lol. I just dont want to be weak when i get there, i have this thing where i dont want my drill instructors to kill me

ANNNYYYYWAAAYYY, i havent updated in soooo long, and i miss you guys, your all gone, and it gets a little lonely... Ill look forward to any replies i can get, and if you ever see me on aim or msn shoot me a hi, i promise it will make me smile :-)

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:: 2005 21 October :: 6.07pm

I got into a car accident today. I'm fine, the woman I hit is fine, my car was fine, her car was fine. Right now I'm in Kalamazoo visiting Katie. I'll be home on Sunday sometimes. Um. Something.

Oh, Jessa, when are you moving? Are you working at that bank yet?

Have a nice weekend. I love you all.

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:: 2005 20 October :: 10.14pm

People are playing Fusion Frenzy in my realm (aka the tv room) right now. Zomigosh, it brings back sooooo many memories!!! Damn, I need to tell Chad and Brit sometime. Sigh. I was always Gina, and I sucked at everything except for the jump and duck thingy. Hee.

So yeah, tired. Blah. Moo. Don't feel like going into too much detail because I'm lazy.

Joel spent the night at my room, didn't get to sleep until late. Was dumb and told mom that today, she had this evil silence going on. I told her that nothing happened and that I was still a part of the virigin club. She made a relieved noise, then I told her that we had hot and steamy sex all night long. Again, the silence. I told her I was joking, she was relieved but not amused. Parents *sigh*

DDR Friday tomorrow!!!!!!!

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:: 2005 20 October :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: disillusioned
:: Music: Pedro the Lion

"Have you ever seen an idealist with grey hairs on his head?
Or a succesful man who keeps in touch with unsuccessful friends?
You only think you did, I could have sworn I saw it too.
But as it turns out, it was just a clever ad for cigarettes."

Do you really think its true?

God I hope it isn't.

But if it is then I have been wasting my time.

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:: 2005 20 October :: 7.42am

Last night, I was watching Lost and there was a frost advisory warning that popped up and proceeded to scroll the counties that were affected across the screen. This wasn't neccessary because they had a lutle picture of the counties in west Michigan and the ones with the warning were colored blue.

Anyway, they were showing some flashback from the Korean chick so of course they were speaking Korean. With subtitles. And the warning only came up when they were talking, with the subtitles at the bottom.

So, for a while, you had no idea what was going on.

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:: 2005 20 October :: 12.26am
:: Music: Led Zeppelin-You Shook Me

I am quite possibly the worst procrastinator in the world. I should have started studying for french over an hour ago. I finally started about 10 minutes ago, and now I'm taking a "study break". Yeah. But on the plus side, while I was procrastinating, I discovered I like the Pixies. A lot.

Ok, I'm gonna go study for real now.

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