2005 14 October :: 12.08pm
Tracey dearest, I was wondering if you got any Hanzel und Gretyl yet. If not, don't worry!!!! I've got their Uber Alles CD, and I'm more than willing to share ~_^ Same thing with Meltron's Klangkombinat, Wumpscut's Eevil Young Flesh, and Kraftwerk's Trans Europa Express. My darling friend Joel burned them for me ^_________^
DDR today, but not for too long because John is going home this weekend (sob cry, what am I gonna do without 'im?). Tara's out apartment-hunting with a friend of hers today. Crazeh. If I end up not going to Paderborn until my junior year I'm gonna try to get into Henry. It's so much better than Garneau.
Yesterday Amanda and I went to the Miller Movie Night, Batman Begins was playing. I went because she got invited by this one guy that likes her but she doesn't like him the same way. So I was her saviou, le w00t. And the best part, it only costed us a dollar each to get in. Yays!
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2005 14 October :: 10.44am
A long winded stream of conciousness political rant I wrote at 3 in the morning
Read it if you dare....
Read more..
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2005 12 October :: 8.00pm
Happy anniversary, sirrah!
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2005 12 October :: 12.25pm
I guess my Strawberry Gashes deviation is still getting views. I just recieved a comment.
So add another person who thought that the scars were real to the list. I'm gonna go home and congratulate Mr. Gel pen sometime.
Edit 3:29 pm
Hey Kelly, it looks like the day of reckoning is November 12 starting at 2 pm at the Waldo Stadium down here in Kzoo. Hee ^____^
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2005 11 October :: 2.29pm
:: Mood: comtemplating my stupidity
I am no longer poor, now I am piss poor
So today I spent about $100 on books. Half of which was unnecessary. See, I lost my French book and I looked all over the place for it until I realized I probably left in the classroom. So I waited for a few days to see if it turned up or anything. Which of course it didn't so today I went out and bought a new book. But when I went to French today, not 2 hours after I bought the book, my professor asked if anyone lost a french book.
I guess it's not that important. It's just money...that I don't really have. It just means I can't buy groceries for like 2 months.
That is all.
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2005 10 October :: 12.25pm
Yesterday was good, really good.
It was cold out last night, I had the shivers and my teeth were chattering.
I'll go into detail later, after I've showered and officially woken up.
Love to you all.
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2005 9 October :: 11.29pm
Donnie Darko is the fucking weirdest movie on the face of the earth.
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2005 9 October :: 10.30pm
:: Mood: blank
Blah blah some old speech blah crap blah
Being a woman sux0rz.
Being hormonal sux0rz.
Thinking with your amygdala sux0rz.
I love you all. I hope you're doing okay. I know I'm not home a lot because of school and stuff but I still have my cell phone. So if you want to talk about anything ever (I don't care if you want to tell me how hard you gave it to those hookers last night, tell me ALL about it) call me. Tell me what's going on. Tell me how much you miss your dog (which I swear was NOT BLACK, Kelly). I don't care what you want to tell me. If you want to talk: I'm here.
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2005 8 October :: 5.23pm
Hi friends. How goes it?
My dad and brother came up to visit today. My mom's still in Montana. We went bike riding, of course they wanted to see every place I ever go. So yeah. It was fun.
I also learned another piece of my brother's car surfing incident. Apparently he wasn't "car surfing" per se. He was apparently just sitting on the hood of some guy's car, they were both probably drunk and/or stoned. So then this guy started driving w/ my brother still sitting on the hood, then he slammed on the brakes. Which makes things much more, shall we say interesting. Very interesting indeed....
That is all.
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2005 8 October :: 1.38am
:: Music: Voll im Arsch-JBO
Today has been a pretty okay/good day.
It started out all slow and nasty, what with me having to wake up early for history and all. Tara came back right when I was contemplating hitting the snooze button again. The notes for history were too small for me to read today, so maybe I need a new perscription. That would suck ass majorly because I'm already half-blind (pretty much).
My aunts stopped by at 11:30 for my one aunt to see what my room looks like. My other aunt brought pumpkin muffins, which Tara and I immediatly dove into after they'd left the room.
My iPod spazzed out right before I left for math, so I was in a grumpy mood without my music. Amanda chose to skip again (lucky her) so I was lonely during the whole lab time. We also had to take a quiz at the end, which I totally bombed. My thoughts when I walked out were "Fuck it, fuck it up the ass with a ginormous strap-on" (I was pissed). But, the day started brightening up when some random dude decided to smile at me, only at me, while I was walking up the hill to Valley 2 and in a dazed state.
John and I DDR-ed for quite some time. I stopped and ate a late lunch (I actually had grilled cheese, and enjoyed it), then John's friend Amanda (also from Henry, but she's taller, has darker hair, and has a man) came by to DDR it up with us. She's so effing awesome!!!! We ate dinner together (leaving John to watch over the stuff) and talked a bit. She's cool people, I hope Rachel gets the chance to meet her when she comes down.
Amanda left for Henry after awhile, I went outside and rolled around in the grass and stared up through the tree branches at the sky, John and I went to 7-11 for much-needed slurpies, then we watched both X-Men movies. 73h r4wk.
Now I'm enjoying some freetime before heading off to bed. Tara's back at home for the weekend so she can rest up and get healthy.
Oh, I made a crazy awesome shirt last night while listening to Mein Kommandant over and over. It's a black tank top with duct tape safety pinned to it. The words "Jawohl mein Herr, mein Kommandant" are written on the duct tape. I'll wear it when I'm in a gothy, must-listen-to-Hanzel und Gretyl mood.
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2005 7 October :: 10.30pm
I wish I could take a pill that would make me outgoing.
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2005 7 October :: 12.38am
Happy 21st birthday Mat!
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2005 6 October :: 3.47pm
:: Music: Mach schnell-Hanzel und Gretyl
Hee, no English today so I'm already back up in my room. Which is good, I'm effing cold and tired. Tara still isn't back, plus she hasn't called to tell me when she's coming back. Of course she wouldn't.
She kept on giving me these "fuck off and die" looks yesterday when I asked her how she was feeling. I think she hates the fact that I feel bad that she's sick.
So the upperclassman dude in my German convo class is nice, he saw me at my hyper/hate doing presentations best today. He knows some German bands, so mucho kudos to him. I talked with the chick that looks like Nick's sister for a long time today. We were both sitting in the hallway waiting to get into the German comp class and started talking about video games and DDR and German and other random tidbits of fun goodness. She's awesomecross and a bag of jelly beans.
DDR tomorrow after my math class. Yay and w00t. I can't wait. My legs need a rest from yesterday though, they feel rather blah-ish right now.
Nothing else interesting has happened today, except there is a very likely possible chance of me studying abroad next year.
Edit 8:25 pm
Tara just called. She has mono.
She's coming back tomorrow to go to class, but I think she'll go back home afterwards to rest. She's not supposed to be driving or anything, so her mum is driving her down and [probably] will drive her back up to Jenison afterwards.
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2005 6 October :: 2.19pm
My brother got out of the hospital today. He's going back to Bozeman w/ ma mere. So I guess that means he's ok for the most part....
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2005 6 October :: 6.02am
I think that doing our French project last year (the second fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, not the first) had to be one of the best times in my entire life.
And up until three seconds ago when Nicole reminded me of it, (Je suis un ninja comme Jackie Chan, WAH-TAH!) I had totally forgotten.
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