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:: 2005 27 September :: 8.22pm

For zeh Rachel

Smurf #1: Yo, Smurf, that party last night was freakin', Smurf!
Smurf #2: You bet your smurf it was!
Smurf #1: Hey, I saw you leaving with Smurfette.
Smurf #2: Yeah. Right when we left the party, she started smurfin' me.
Smurf #2: Shut the smurf up! Right in the smurfing parking lot?
Smurf #2: Oh, yeah.
Smurf #1: That's freakin' smurf!
Smurf #2: You betcha.
Smurf #1: Freakin' smurf.

John wants to know if you have the newest Katamari.

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:: 2005 27 September :: 4.59pm

Chickened out on driving. Will most definitely drive tomorrow though.

Love you all. Thanks for the support.

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:: 2005 27 September :: 12.03am
:: Music: Evanescence - Taking Over Me

You don't remember me but I remember you
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you
but who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do...

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you
I have to be with you to live to breathe
you're taking over me

have you forgotten all I know
and all we had?
you saw me mourning my love for you
and touched my hand
I knew you loved me then

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you
I have to be with you to live to breathe
you're taking over me

I look in the mirror and see your face
if I look deep enough
so many things inside that are just like you are taking over

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you
I have to be with you to live to breathe
you're taking over me

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you
I have to be with you to live to breathe
you're taking over me

Taking over me
Your Taking Over Me
Taking over me
Taking over me

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:: 2005 26 September :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: stressed

I drive myself to school tomorrow.

I've never driven by myself before.

I'm scared.

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:: 2005 26 September :: 8.37pm


Nothing like procrastinating doing homework.

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:: 2005 26 September :: 7.34pm

Update on the roommate...
So my roommate apparently had a seizure yesterday. She only in the hospital a few hours. She says she's had seizures before, and next time just to ride it out until she comes out of it, not call 911. So yeah. She's fine now.

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:: 2005 26 September :: 1.07am

Someone tear my heart out. Just make the pain go away...

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:: 2005 25 September :: 9.37pm

Well then....
So tonight was very interesting. Remember that guy I was gushing about a couple weeks ago? Well I went over to his dorm today and we talked about The Prophet, which is a really good philosophy book he told me to read. But it's kind of weird talking about philosophy with someone you have a crush on because we were talking about love and what is love and what is it's nature and I was thinking "I'm in love" the whole time. But this guy has such a way of coaxing ideas out it was amazing. I learned a lot and it was euphoric. I probably looked ridicoulous walking home because I had a huge shit-eating grin on my face. He lent me some books and next week we're gonna talk about philosophy some more. Which is awesome.

When I got back to my dorm my roommate saw me come in but didn't say anything, which is weird. So I was wondering what was going on. So then I was changing cuz I got absolutely drenched on the way back and I heard the RA come in and tell my other roommate to take deep breaths and keep her eyes open. So I knew something was wrong. So then I came out of my room and saw my roommate lying on the floor in her room. We're still not sure what happened but she might've passed out or something. So the RA called 911 and the cops showed up and everything, and long story short she's at the hospital getting tests done. We all want to go see her but none of us have a car. Fuck it all.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 8.06pm

What words get bleeped out on the radio? I'm looking for songs to play tomorrow and I'm wondering if I can play songs with "damn" or "bastard" in them.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 5.50pm

Uber-Christian people creep me out.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 12.04pm

Ooookay people, this is Katie running on four hours of sleep.

Andy's in the hospital. He's getting his appendix taken out.

So I'm being a regular big sister and freaking out slightly because a) This is Andy, he doesn't need anymore holes and scars in him b) Of what happened the last time a family memeber got their appendix taken out c) Because I'm in Kzoo right now and can't see him immmediatly

I'll be up in GR to see Andy today with the grandparents. Please keep Andy in your thoughts and prayers.

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:: 2005 25 September :: 6.27am

Wow. Tonight was great ^_^

So I was on the intereweb when the "confirm person as contact on msn messenger" window popped up. I said yes and went online to see who this person was. We ended up having a random conversation starting with DDR and ending with....man, I can't remember. Either way, we agreed to meet in the TV room.

It ended up turning into an almost 5 hour DDR session (nobody else was using the TV in the TV room), a walk to 7-11 for a slushie and back, then haning out in my room.

So I finally have a friend in the Garneau/Harvey area. His name's John, his RA is the guy that I think is gay (who I also squeal over because of said gayness). This has been an awesome night. I'm going to be a bitch when I wake up in the morning.

Screw doing laundry.

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:: 2005 24 September :: 8.41pm

Black ink scribbled across history notes
Seh' ich echt so hesslich aus, dass
neimand will bei mir setzen?

Meine Augen sind nass
ich will wienen
Warum seid
ihr so gemein?

So ich trage schwarz.
Du trägst blue, du braun
und du rosa.

Keine Mädchen setzen sich
bei mir
nur Männer.

Er riecht wie Seife.
Er redet mit mir.
Dass ist gut genug für mich.

Jetzt fühle ich nicht so

Heute Nacht
flieg ich frei

It's amazing how emo I can be at 10 in the morning. And in German, no less ^^"

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:: 2005 24 September :: 5.58pm

I have a car!

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:: 2005 24 September :: 4.17pm
:: Mood: Rammstein-induced craze

Rammstein Rammstein Rammstein Rammstein Rammstein

Their store has a Keine Lust patch that makes me think of Tracey.

I really want to get a Mein Teil shirt, Rammsten hoodie, and Rammstein jacket. Ich brauche Geld für Einkaufen!!!!!

Bored, but not so bored because of my wonderful Rammstein blaring throughout the dorm room.

Gib mir Benzin!!!!!!!

Thank you, this has been a broadcast brought to you by the ravings of a local Rammstein fan.

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