2005 18 September :: 10.51pm
Tracey, I've got two more German bands to add to the obsession list and as possible obsessions for you if you haven't heard of them yet.
Eisbrecher and Megaherz. Both good. Both delish. And I'm going to probably make Andy get their CDs for me when he goes to Germany this summer.
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2005 18 September :: 6.13pm
Good Lord
Tara and I can hear the people just above us having sex.
Edit 7:51 p.m.
And they're at it again...
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2005 17 September :: 9.37pm
"I believe in safe anal-sex"
"I don't want to get pregnant!"
Ben, you've made my day.
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2005 17 September :: 4.49pm
I should probably go and eat something. But I'm not hungry.
Hey, at least Tara's gone so that means her emo music is off. I think I'll just start blaring some german stuff one of these days so she'll start appreciating the good stuff.
Eye is still semi-swollen, am hiding it underneath my bangs.
There's a football game today *insert groans here* so that means I'm going to be even more paranoid than usual about riots.
I'm wearing my red and black striped tights right now because I can, they're awesome. And a tattered-looking skirt. Yay. Now I'm gonna go find a graveyard to hang around in. Anybody know of any good ones near the WMU campus? Preferably in the campus and by the Valleys.
Mmm...want squeezy cheese on Ritz crackers right now. I really need to go to Meijer. But I'm afraid to go alone because I could get raped behind one of the cart return stall thingys.
I really wish that I had a social life here at Western.
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2005 17 September :: 3.39pm
The puppy!
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2005 17 September :: 2.30pm
So we are getting the car. I just don't know when. I probably won't be able to drive it until I get a job and insurance but still: YAY!
Apparently, a Geo Prizm is just like a Toyota Corolla.
Then I'll get to do all those cool car things that I've been planning on doing (visiting Katie and Kelly, driving to school, visiting the houses I used to live in etc).
I love you all.
P.S. Leo is the cutest dog ever. He tries to usurp McHenry, it's funny.
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2005 16 September :: 11.22pm
I had a job interview yesterday and today my mom said she found me a car.
It's a '90 Geo Prizm (maybe?) and I hope I get to drive it before we actually get it. If we do.
And I hope I get the job because I need it.
I love you all.
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2005 16 September :: 9.43pm
There's a ginourmous jug of vodka sitting on the floor less than a foot from my leg. As in, "holy frick it's huge!" And "holy frick, they're really planning on getting wasted tonight!"
Someone shoot me now.
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2005 16 September :: 11.40am
What lovely weather we're having here today! All cloudy and grey and drizzely, my favorite. Ha, I kid. Sure the weather is nicer than that God-awful warm sunshine weather (don't hate me because I dislike summer), and it matches my mood rather well.
I was dumb and walked to class and back in the drizzle withough any shoes or socks on. And my thin zip-up hoodie. So I'm indulging myself right now with some tea (cinnamon apple, Tara's choice) and wiggling my toes around in my nice, dry, nonmatching socks. Hee.
One more class today, my math lab. I hope Amanda doesn't skip, she's been gone the past couple of days.
Tara's best friend is coming up tonight and staying until tomorrow sometime. If they go to a party, I hope that they spend the night there instead of waking me up at bloody 5 in the morning again *still sore about last time* Mmm...sleep. I think I'll take a nap after my math lab.
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2005 15 September :: 1.03pm
Ugh, my legs are effing killing me.
I decided to follow this kid that's in my German Conversation class back up to Valley 2. I never knew that he lived in Garneau! This is news to me!
Anywhos, the dude is from the Netherlands and freaking hauls ass when walking up the hill that we have to walk up to get to Garneau/Harvey.
Anyways, the point that I'm trying to say is never follow someone from Europe. They know how to walk fast.
My legs burn now ;_;
Not going home for a while, come and visit! All I'm planning on doing so far this weekend is sleep.
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2005 15 September :: 11.27am
Speaker after speaker at the Nuclear Energy Institute's Nuclear Energy Assembly, held on 16-18 May in Washington DC, weighed in with variations on a single theme: over the next 20 to 50 years, nuclear power is one of the few options, if not the only option, capable of providing reliable baseload electricity to meet increasing global demand without exacerbating global warming.
Of course the NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTITUTE is going to say that nuclear energy is the only way to go! It's stupid to say otherwise. It'd be like a vegetarian restaurant offerring meat alternatives or a mosque having Christian services on Sundays.
To Bodman, the way forward was clear: "We need to develop new sources of energy to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and help protect the environment." These new energy sources and new technologies include hydrogen fuel cells to power vehicles, more effective ways to produce wind and solar power, techniques for removing pollutants and green-house emissions from coal, and improved fuel efficiency. However, "there is one technology already in place that can reliably generate large amounts of electricity with no dependence on fossil fuels, no pollution, and no greenhouse emissions. That technology is nuclear power."
Yes. Great idea. Until we have a nuclear meltdown and there is no environment to protect. That's not even going into the nuclear waste that's going to be left behind. What ever happened to hydroelectric plants? All nuclear plants do is make water into steam anyway, right? So why not skip the nuclear part?
I'm rambling. This is just to waste time before lunch.
P.S. "Nuclear power should instead be among our foremost options for ensuring that we have safe, secure, affordable, and environmentally responsible supplies of energy."
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2005 15 September :: 8.00am
Happy Two year anniversary Mat!
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2005 14 September :: 8.34pm
So yeah, everything is so far working out ok. Sounds like everyone is doing well at college too. Which is good. And when I get some free time, I'll try and call you guys. Yakusoku. (I promise.) ^_^
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2005 14 September :: 11.59am
:: Mood: hungry
I slept in a little too late today. I managed to get to class on time, but I couldn't take a shower. So I kept inching away from everyone around me, hoping that they wouldn't notice that my hair was nasty and greasy, and that my skin was horrid. It also didn't help that I decided to bring a zip-up hoodie with me, wearing it to class. I was sweating like a pig by the time I reached Dunbar (where my history class is located).
So I splurged when I got back to my room and took a shower. A nice, cool, refreshing shower. I'd forgotten how awesome a semi-cold shower feels. Now I'm cold, which is better than hot.
Tara's phone has been ringing off the hook ever since Monday night. Too bad my phone doesn't do that *hint hint* *nudge nudge*
The only calls I've recieved far this week was a call from someone on my hall asking where our English class was going to be this time, and a call from Amanda (my friend from math and english) yesterday asking me if I was near the bus stop central thingy yet.
*Sighs* I might as well keep my phone on silent.
In other news...I'm hungry! But I don't feel like dining hall food. Blech. I want something new, different, nondining hall-ish. If any of you would love to bring down something awesome for me I'd love you for forever ~_^
That's pretty much my day so far, ain't it invigorating?
p.s. Guess who wants a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac t-shirt!
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2005 13 September :: 7.42pm
We got a puppy today! He's a pomeranian and has three feet and four legs. He is the cutest thing on the face of the earth. He's so small! For now, his name is Leo but that might change.
I'll post pictures later!
In other news, Switchfoot will be touring with Eisley! ZOMG! We have to go. I don't have any money but we have to.
10/27/2005 - Chicago, IL
Vic Theatre
10/28/2005 - Detroit, MI
Majestic Theatre
10/29/2005 - Cleveland, OH
House of Blues
I love you all.
P.S. Leo was on my lap and kept giving me puppy kisses and laying his head on my arm.
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